E-famous Pro-Zionist Advocate Shobhna Kapoor has been exposed for the Noahide (willing slave to Judaism, a Zionist dhimmi) that she is. The below conversation took place on Facebook on March 14th 2014. The conversation starts between a Christian Zionist (Cranky White Woman) and myself (Vincent Bruno).
The conversation is about the Zionist Noahide Laws (Jewish Sharia) and Public Law 102-14 which may have very well legally made the United States a Zionist colony were non-Jews who practice any other religion other than a simplified version of Judaism would be killed. This agenda for Zionists to control the earth through their global Noahide legal system is officially supported by the US government (Public Law 102-14), the United Nations, the Vatican, Freemasonry, and prestigious Sunni Muslim institutions. The Zionist Noahide Movement has also made many inroads into both India and Hinduism. For more information watch the videos linked below.
A Jew named Evgenia Rachevsky enters the conversation and tries to paint the Zionist Noahide Laws as benign but her lies are quickly exposed. Enters Shobhna Kapoor, you will see from Shobhba’s comments that she takes no issue with the Zionist Noahide Laws but is simply interested in disguising the tyrannical nature of this system with her worn-out Pro-Zionist mantras. Not long after this conversation, Shoobhna spoke at “Israel Truth Week” on the behalf of Hindus in Canada, knowing full well about and being complicit to the Zionist takeover of the US, UN and others under the Zionist Noahide Laws. Shobhna Kapoor also goes by the name "Shobie" and under the alias she is an activist for the Canadian Patriotic Society.
Shobie is a Noahide and a traitor to the human race posing as a Counter-Jihad activist. Beware!
Shobhna At The Israel Truth Week
– Not A Peep About The Noahide Laws
Facebook Conversation
March 14th, 2014
Shobhna Exposed For The Noahide/Ger Toshav She Is
Dustin Heathman Jews have more blood on their hands than any one in the world.
Vincent Bruno Otero They also bring in their Noahide Laws (Public Law 102-14), they tend to be willing agents of Zionism, servants of the Pharisees of the Sanhedrin in Israel…
Cranky Whitewoman You guys are entitled to your opinions, and I am entitled to mine. Jews have done more for humanity than any other group of people. Yes, Marx and Lenin were bad Jews, but that doesn’t make ALL Jews bad. If you like GPS, microwaves, being free of polio, denim, lipstick, cell phones, the vaccinating needle, etc. then thank the Jews, because we wouldn’t have this stuff without them.
Vincent Bruno Otero Typical Ger Toshab (Jew Dhimmis) assesemnt, just look at all these crumbs I get from the table of the Pharisees, morals and ethics be damned, I want my microwaved TV Dinner! The turn on humanity and support the Noahide Laws for material goods is a pretty warped ethical stance don’t you think?
Cranky Whitewoman Tell me, Vince, what they have done to you to make you hate them so? Every Jewish person — yes, EVERY SINGLE ONE — that I have ever known has been wonderful to me. They have been kind, loving, and very generous. You latched onto the microwave, but what about the vaccinating needle and vaccines they have created? How many people are alive today because of that? I’d venture to say MILLIONS! Am I safe to assume you will be boycotting ALL Israeli products, even if your life depends on one? Or are you a hypocrite like that Palestinian who recently took his granddaughter to an Israeli hospital for treatment in between his cries of “Death to Israel”?
Vincent Bruno Otero Nazi Scientists who were brought to this country also gave much to our technology, yet I am not willing to sell my soul because of their inventions. Judaism is a wicked and evil religion and we are now seeing that with their Noahide Laws, laws which specifically call for a one world government and religion under Judaism and those who don’t comply are decapitated. If you don’t have a problem with that then I don’t know what to say
Evgenia Rachevsky I didn’t see any ” laws which specifically call for a one world government and religion under Judaism and those who don’t comply are decapitated”:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Laws_of_Noah
Among religious branches of Judaism, the Seven Laws of Noah (Hebrew: שבע מצוות ב…See More
Vincent Bruno Otero In the elaboration of these seven Noachian laws, and in assigning punishments for their transgression, the Rabbis are sometimes more lenient and sometimes more rigorous with Noachidæ than with Israelites. With but a few exceptions, the punishment meted out to a Noachid for the transgression of any of the seven laws is decapitation, the least painful of the four modes of execution of criminals
Complete contents the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia.
Evgenia Rachevsky It’s positions of Noahids, but anyone else is free to believe whatever he wants. The laws seem to be ones of a health society with rule of law.
Vincent Bruno Otero A third goal of the creation of the High Council and the Sanhedrin’s efforts in regard to the Noahide community, is to “transform the Noahide movement from a religious phenomenon – a curiosity many have not heard of – into a powerful international movement that can successfully compete with, and with G-d’s help bring about the fall of, any religious movement but the pure authentic faith that was given to humanity through Noach, the father of us all,” said emissary Bar-Ron.
A council of non-Jewish observers of the Seven Laws of Noah has been selected an…See More
Vincent Bruno Otero Nope, you are decapitated for “idolatry”, and that included Christianity
Vincent Bruno Otero Rule of Talmudic Law! Which is filth!
Evgenia Rachevsky Can you name anybody, who has ever been punished for violation of these laws?
Vincent Bruno Otero The Jewish Institute for Judaic Law is working on that, they are trying to get Talmudic Execution laws into our Supreme court, and notice that you don’t care that the Jews have installed this law, you only care about deflecting Gentiles
In December 1999, the United States Supreme Court set a precedent by accepting for consideration an amicus curiae brief in a death penalty case (Bryan v. Moore). Aside from mentioning the Eighth Amendment of the US Constitution in passing, the brief was based wholly on Talmud law. The Jewish Journal reports:
Can the Talmud death penalty philosophy work in the US — a Supreme Court brief …See More
Evgenia Rachevsky it’s interesting – an obsessed Jew-hater follows “Talmudic developments” much closer than the most observant Jews. Good luck in you “research”.
Vincent Bruno Otero It’s interesting, Gentile haters have been successful in installing Talmudic law into our gov supreme court calling for the death of Gentiles and all you can do is scream “Jew Hater”… snake
Shobhna Kapoor Vincent, Evgenia is not a snake. She is far brighter and more ethical than you are. Please grow up. http://israeltruthweek.org/2014-conference
(Find events in other cities. Get YOUR event listed) 2014 Israel Truth Week Conf…See More
Vincent Bruno Otero Shobhna, you are a filthy Ger Toshab and your treason is exposed, Noahide Law will be defeated and so will you
Cranky Whitewoman Vince, don’t be calling my friends ugly names. I don’t appreciate it. I love the Jews, I’m not going to change, so I’d you think I’m a filthy Ger Toshab for that, then you should probably unfriendly me. I WILL NEVER BE ON BOARD WITH THIS JEW HATRED!
Vincent Bruno Otero You are on board with Gentile Hatred and are exposed, you are a Ger Toshab as well, a willing agent to the Noahide Laws, you will share the same fate as the Pharisees
Evgenia Rachevsky It’s exactly because of the “Jewish control”, the American governments keep Jonathan Pollard in jail for 30 years “for spying for an ally”. It’s for the same reason so many “friendly” American Presidents have been pushing so hard to strip the tiny Jewish state of her historic heartlands of Judea and Samaria. Or, may be, because of the very reason the main media outlets are so anti-Semitic (the must be just caring about poor Christians, Buddhists, Bahais and Hindus persecuted by the Jews around the world. BTW Toshav (not b) Ger is simply a term a non-Jewish settler in the land of Israel. As in a case of the majority of the nations, such a person has to respect some basic laws and traditions of the country. The same way all Americans have to respect American law, for example – an honour killing in the US is illegal, whereas it’s considered normal in some other countries.
Shobhna Kapoor Evgenia, don’t waste time with this asshole, Vincent. Jew-hating POS
Vincent Bruno Otero Evengenia, try learning something, it is also spelled Ger Toshab
(“ger toshab”; see below)…See More
Complete contents the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia.
Vincent Bruno Otero and Shobhna, you are already being exposed in Hindu forums for the Ger Toshav you are
Evgenia Rachevsky She cannot be Ger (it’s masculine) \toshav (also masculine + does not live in Israel). I cannot remember an occasion, when anyone ofShobhna Kapoor‘s non- Hindu friends tried to raise a question of conversion with her. Somebody is having a serious mental issue here.
Vincent Bruno Otero Ha, don’t worry, many people in Counter Jihad have seen the Noahide Laws (Public Law 102-14) and the articles on the Sanhedrin, there are more people who know about this than you think, Counter Jihad people are not stupid and can see what you Jews and Ger Toshav have been doing behind our backs, just wait for them to get more brave and become more public, you people are transparent and you are sick on the Talmud
Evgenia Rachevsky I’m almost scared.
Vincent Bruno Otero Jews have been kicked out of almost every nation on earth, bring Noahide Law to the USA was a big mistake, people aren’t taking kindly to it
Shobhna Kapoor Vincent, you are a disgrace to Hinduism. You do not represent the values of a good Hindu. Shameful.
Vincent Bruno Otero Shobhna, you are not a Hindu, you are a Ger Toshav, you serve the Sanhedrin in Israel and their best interest because you think you will get crumbs from their table. You are more than just a disgrace to Hinduism, you are a disgrace to humanity, and we are talking about you right now, others know what a disgrace and liar you are as well.
Cranky Whitewoman Vince, Dude, have you lost your mind? Again, I ask you, what have they done? Give specific examples of them decapitating people or committing any other savage acts. I’m talking modern times here, so don’t go off on a tangent about ancient history. We already know what the communist Jews did in the USSR, but those were a small handful that shouldn’t be used against the entire group. Tell me what atrocities they are presently committing.
Vincent Bruno Otero The Jews are not placing Noahide laws in our government for no reason, they are not trying to bring decapitation laws to our Supreme Court for no reason, they are not spreading the Noahide religion for no reason, the Sanhedrin in Israel has not said it wants to destroy all other religions for now reason, if you can’t see what the Jews are doing then you are blind, they are working toward their goal and you are their willing servant
Cranky Whitewoman You need to stop, Vince. I told you the other day to stop posting this shit on my page. Are you incapable of respecting that request?
Shobhna Kapoor Vincent, you moron, you as a gay Hindu have more rights in Jew domnated Israel than any other country in the Middle East. Muslims, Arabs are members of the Knesset, judges, hold tenured positions in university. Fuck off you Jew hating ilar
Vincent Bruno Otero You have no excuse for your treachery so you simply try to silence the truth, you are a servant of darkness and so you despise the light, you will fail, Noahide Law will be defeated and you will perish with the Pharisees
Vincent Bruno Otero Shobhna, this has nothing to do with that, quit it with your deflections, Noahide Law will defeated and so will you you Asura