Saturday, September 27, 2014

Meeting the Hindu Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tabago

On Saturday, September 27th, 2014, I attended the reception for the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago in NYC.  Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is noteworthy as being one of the few Hinds heads of state outside of India. She is also the first female leader of her nation.  I was actually able to meet her briefly and offer her a token of my esteem. Having a Hindu leader here in the West may seem surprising to some, this is because so few know of the large populations of Hindus who reside in the West Indies. Trinidad is home to approximately 250,000 Hindus who make up roughly 30% of the nation’s population.  This is only a small part of the more than half million Hindus who reside in the Caribbean region.   With the rise of global HIndu consciousness, there is no doubt that Trinidad and other Caribbean nations like Guyana and Suriname will play a major role in shaping Hindu destiny: spiritually, culturally, and politically.


The night began with a cocktail hour where I was able to mingle with state guests and dignitaries as we were entertained by stilt and flamingo dancers and ate Caribbean delicacies, cooled by ice sculptures

Next we were led into the main banquet hall where we were served dinner and entertained while we awaited the arrival of the PM.


The ceremonies were opened with a Hindu prayer.  Yes, believe it or not, Hindu prayers are becoming ever more common at state  functions in the West… just another sign of the dawn of global Hinduism.


Finally, PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar arrived with great applause to give her speech. She was witty and entertaining, but also serious about her vision for her nation.  Under her guidance, the nation has begun programs to distribute laptops to all of the nation’s students and the PM emphasized her commitment to providing opportunities to those in need and maintaining T&T’s high status for women.  She also spoke of the need for stability and peace on the world scene, something Trinidad has been able to accomplish for itself.


Afterward, I was able to meet the PM for a short while and was able to give Kamla Persad-Bissessar one of my Justice For Hindus pins and briefly speak to her about our activities.  It was an exciting moment.  Everyone agreed that the PM carried herself with a very regal presence, she had a magnetism and warmth about her that is not so common among leaders these days.

Finally, the evening closed with entertainment and an after party.  A good time was had by all. I was glad to be able to attend the event and hope to see more of the people of Trinidad and Tobago very soon. 

1 comment:

  1. It's very inspiring to hear that many Westerners like you are coming forward to speak for Hindu heritage when Hindus are facing immense pressure in their own home from the followers of Muhammad. Thank you brother.
