Friday, January 3, 2020

NYC Hindu conference and rally for CAA

On December 29th, 2019 I was invited to attend both a conference put on by the Indian American Intellectuals Forum and a separate rally by NYC Hindus in support of CAA. The 2019 CAA bill in India gives citizenship to Hindus who are being persecuted in the Muslim nations of Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan. This has caused Muslims to riot in India. Here are highlights from the conference and pictures from the rally.
I could not catch the names of all the speakers in order but hear is a list of who spoke at the conference: Dr Narindar Kukar, Dr. Basuli Deb, Mr Vibhuti Jha, Prof.  Dwijen Bhattacharya, Mr Sitangshu Guha, Mr Pabitra Chaudhuri and Prof. Sabyasachi Ghosh Dastidar

Arish Sahani
Indian American Intellectuals Forum

I have some question. Hinduism is humane, educated and the oldest culture that exists. Our enemies have a clear goal. Are you telling people about this? Have you told people they are bad, why not? Do you have a leader who can speak for you? Do you know the history of Christianity, Islam and conversion? Hindus are unique. These questions should be in your mind. You should know what Christians and Muslims are doing in India, you have internet, use google search, why did they convert, why can't they come back? Hindus are not doing anything because we are not united. We have no leaders? They don't know what to do? Islam destroyed the Mid East, Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims don't want to live in their own Muslim nations. We must spread our Hindu culture, invite Hindus to come back to India, there is no Hindu Nation. Muslims are bringing violence about CAA. Be a proud Hindu. Know why you are here and what you can do for your country. We need leaders. The Hindu majority can be lost. We can only survive if we do something and our children see us sacrifice. Make use of America to help India.

Speaker 2

What is life like for Pakistani and Bangladeshi Hindus? In 1947 trains came from Pakistan with dead bodies, these are my childhood memories. Any nation who helps the oppressed is rewarded and respected. CAA after 73 years is a correcting measure. People are walking for days to get to India, but none are speaking about it. In Kashmir in 1990 from the Masjid loud speakers they said leave your daughters and go. Bangladeshi Hindus have been suffering sine 1971, most don't use the straight words, massacred. Even through Western Journalism and  human rights groups some times speak up, Hindus are silent. What can Bangladeshi Hindus do? Write open letters to newspapers, send petitions to ministers, those who committed the crimes should be prosecuted because the Bangladeshi government won't do it, only the government India; raise this in international courts. There is no reaction by educated people. They know about Bangladeshi Hindus' daughters being raped before family but there is nothing in the Indian newspapers. Are we dumb or stupid? If you don't speak none will know. Take out warning ads in the Bangladeshi newspapers. Say we need to rescue Hindus from "Islam", don't say Bangladeshi government, name the enemy, "Islam". While Hindus elaborate on their arguments the Muslims are sharpening their swords. Hindus are reasonable people but go and do something. Hindus should file suit against the Bangladeshi government in USA courts. Have whites file suits in white countries, it gets attention. I get death threats but I'm still alive. Gita says take action, don't worry about the results. We need to come up with an action plan and take some action. Inform yourself, get media attention, protest with signs, use social Media. Tell your stories. Hindu principles are going to save the world.

Speaker 3

Thank you India for rescuing Bangladeshi people, thanks for CAA, we are the direct beneficiaries. There are more than 50 Islamic nations, they can take care of Muslims, there are only 2 Hindu majority nations (India & Nepal). Hindus need a shelter to go to, this is what CAA does. Look at what just happened with the slaughter of Nigerian Christians. Bangladeshi Nationalist Party secretary general said no minority persecution  is going on in Bangladesh yet Bangladeshi massacres/rapes are well documented. The Enemy Property Act calls Hindus "enemies" and has taken 3 million acres from them. CAA has nothing to do with Muslims in India. What to do? Social media, we meed to show masses supporting CAA on social media. We must do more writing. The percentage of  Muslims in West Bengal is approx 40%, this is 30 years of Communist party rule and the Didi government in vote bank politics. If Didi gets another 5 years, they will be hoisting Islamic Flags in West Bengal. If West Bengal burns all of North East will go. A solid plan is needed, Modi/BJP must win in West Bengal in 2020 or 2021. Hindus have been persecuted for hundreds of years, our divisions are destroying us, Modi/BJP is the only way. If a country becomes 16% Muslim it becomes an Islamic country because they have a plan. Hindus are academic and secular, if we stay like this then no India, there is barely any research done on Hindu genocides, intellectuals are not working on it, now or never.

Speaker 4

India was divided on religion only due to uncle Gandhi's leadership. Bangladeshi leaders wanted it this way. My family were Bengali Brahmins, my family was told to leave. My dad told me one day help those who became like us. Being Hindu is the most valuable thing you have, use it. Say it, don't just think about it, they think our gentleness we will never allow us to attack their atrocities. Raise your voice for tortured Hindus, no others know our pain unless we speak. Thank god you are Hindu and can do something. Gita says if you do god will help, if you fight you have reaction but when you win it gives much help.

Satya Dosapati

Hinduism speaks for diversity, inclusiveness and is open to science. If we lose Hinduism not only we lose but humanity will lose. Hinduism is the answer to the problems of the world. We must support BJP. Western media does not focus on the good of CAA, only Muslim riots, and Christians are using CAA Hindu/Muslim divide to convert. Inform yourself, no Western media talks about this, make the media, protest with signs and spread it on social media. Tell your stories. Hindu principles are going to save the world. The Christian West wants to harp on Rohingyas to divert attention away from India's problems. They want to use Muslim/Hindu cultural fight to pave way for the control of India. They want India to be weak, they don't want another China.

Speaker 6

CAA is asylum law for victims. There is asylum laws for the persecuted in the USA, why not for Hindus in India? Also, the demographic is changing in India, this will change the culture. West Bengal is now different from decades ago. There are talks of West Bengal cessation. Muslims are gaining power and want West Bengal. This will spread if nothing is done.

Speaker 7

For CAA thank you Modi and Indian government, If Hinduism dies in India that is end of the world. Like Israel India should let in any Hindu in the world, Modi should do this. CAA effects Bengalis mostly. Victims need to get benefits, we must not let Bangladeshi atrocities go in vain. The mainstream media is biased against CAA. Ram Krishna Mission wrote against CAA, if Bangladesh becomes Muslim they will have not place to practice.

Sitanghsu Guha
Bangladeshi Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council

Bangladeshi Hindus want to live in Bangladesh in peace. Keep Modi in power. Next step uniform civil code.

Vincent Bruno

I gave a speak on how I visited the Pakistani Hindu refugee camps in Delhi and saw the children there. Now they have citizenship. Why do Muslims from Bangladesh of Pakistan need refugee status? They are not fleeing any nation. There are Hindu refugee camps in India but no Muslim refugee camps. That is why we need CAA. Video of my speech below:

Speaker 10

Under the disguise of secularism the Hindu holocaust is being ignored. Muslim immigration does not support secularism. Society is destroyed when good people act like intellectuals.

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