Thursday, October 20, 2022

I am no longer a Hindu

Recently I wrote an article (pasted below)  about how I had lost hope in Hindus fighting the Noahide Laws and so I decided to follow a radical plan to spread Noahidism in India so it would accelerate and bring us closer to that time when the Kalki would arrive, which could only happen once Hinduism was almost eradicated, which I believe would happen through Noahidism.  I said I was following the Kali Demons' plan, that I was still worshipping a Hindu deity, that somehow even though I was spreading anti-Hinduism I was still a Hindu.  The reason why I am leaving Hinduism is not because no one listened to me about Noahidism, that was only the catalyst, I lost hope in Hindus but not necessarily Hinduism.  However this turn of events made me think very deeply about my faith in the Hindu religion and upon contemplating I know I can no longer stay Hindu.  There are many great teaching in Hinduism, and a certain degree of freedom, but Hinduism does have majority opinions and practices which most Hindus follow.  The reason I thought I was in Hinduism is because I believed that the Vedas supported the position that we might not know that there is only one conscious god who created the universe, that the universe could be unconscious, made of plural powers, and that the gods descended out of a sort chaos due to the accidental or inevitable arrangement of parts. The idea that this is possible in Hinduism is very fleeting, as the Vedas only contemplate that even if there is a superior god, even he may not know what created the universe, but the message of the Vedas is not about the gods descending out of discord, it is trying to say that this is not the way it is and that there is a supreme conscious god with desires and emotions. All of Hinduism points toward monotheism, something I find very repugnant.  I cannot stay in Hinduism when my beliefs are nothing but extremely marginal and against the purpose of the Vedas. 

I've begun to become more and more distant from Hindus as I have noticed that Hinduism is 100% rapped up in Indianism.  The religion was founded near India, it always describes Indian flora and fauna, it speaks of everyday Indian lives and customs, it is focused on India.  Indian culture carries values that are not universal, they are particular to a time and people. I am not an Indian, I have a different culture and I have a different racial temperament.  I thought that I could push the Indianess out of Hinduism and view it as an acultural religion, but this is not true. If there is only one god, he is an Indian god, and does not want to be viewed as the Greeks viewed the world descending out of chaos. The gods dress Indian and they eat Indian, and I think most people want it to stay that way, stripping the Indianess out of Hinduism would leave very little behind. 

Another thing is that I have come to realize that I am too liberal for Hinduism.  My support of homosexuality, women's equality, moral relativism, these are contentious topics in Hinduism. I have been told too many times that Hinduism is not liberal, that Hinduism does not support homosexuality, that women are to be submissive in Hinduism, and there is definitely somewhat of a narrow understanding of what exactly dharma is. I have also seen scriptural and daily practices which support this view of a homophobic, misogynistic Hinduism, it cannot be separated from Hinduism, it is there and it is there to stay.  So many in Hindutva want a state where women and homosexuals are suppressed, it is rampant and only getting worse.  

I tried to stay within Hindu prophecy as best I could with my Kali demon idea, but I can see now that Hinduism is limiting me, I don't want to look for a path that makes sense to Hinduism, I need something different, something more supple, something where I can speed up the mechanisms of the universe myself and not wait for things to be done on the gods' terms.  I want to be a eugenicist who uses polygamy and incest to breed special breeds of humans, and incest is strictly forbidden in Hinduism.  I want to worship sex, I want to worship science, I want to support abortion, I want to use tactics that are considered adharmic in Hinduism.

I had been rejected by my own culture and was so desperate to find a new people that I pushed ideas on Hinduism that it does not support.  I twisted scriptures to fit my liberal worldview, I ignored that which bothered me and explained it away.  I have from the very beginning not been anything like any other Hindu on earth, I really have no Hindu friends who share my values. I know many will be sad to see me go but I think there will be more people relieved that I have left and that I am no longer corrupting their religion.  I've had a wonderful time in Hinduism and love all the people I met, I don't regret converting but it is time for me to move on.  I will be exploring other beliefs and philosophies to find some way to piece together a coherent system I can live by.  I will miss you all and hope you all the best. At least now I don't have to think about Hindu prophecy and Hinduism being destroyed, now I have hope that Hindus and the world will wake up faster as I hasten the Noahide cause. Thank you everyone who helped me and I will be your friend forever. 

Why I will now almost destroy Hinduism with Noahidism

October 15, 2022

 For ten years now, I have tried to warn Hindus about the coming Noahide Laws, for ten long lonely years.  After ten years of activism, I have built absolutely no resistance amongst Hindus to fight the Noahide Laws, all I have gotten is criticism and treason.  The Noahide Laws will eventually be here, and I am so desperate... and desperate times call for desperate measures. I am so frustrated and abandoned that I have made a pact with the Kaali demon (not Kali Ma) and have joined the Jews in their mission to Noahidize India. It took a lot of loneliness and desperation to get me here, but now I see it is the only way.  Hindu prophecy states that before the Kalki avatar comes, Hinduism is almost totally wiped out.  I am 100% certain that Noahidism is the religion of the Kaali demon here to wipe out Hinduism before the end of the Kali Yuga. Because of the apathy of Hindus toward Noahidism, and because of their desire to suppress any resistance, I lost faith in the gods, but then I realized there was still a Hindu deity I could worship, the Kaali demon.  I am still worshipping a Hindu deity and my intention is to make Hindu prophecy happen, so I feel I am still inside the Hindu fold.  When I was trying to wake Hindus up, I tried to show them all the power the Noahides Laws had and how much inroads they had into India. I will now be siding with those powers and the conspiracy on India in order to hasten them.  My goal is to see India a Noahide state in 100 years and Hinduism wiped out in India in 200.  If the Kali Yuga is going to wipe out most of Hinduism it should be most effective in India. 

This must be the way it happens because Hindus are so stupidly and foolishly letting Noahide right in the door. I tried to tell them that the Noahide agenda was wrapped up in Islam, Christianity, Khalistan, and with the Parsis but non would listen, Hindus are blind, they cannot see friend from foe.  Now I am working with Muslims, Christians, Khalistanis, and Parsis who are willing to adopt the Noahide Laws into their platform.  Hindus were so stupid to think the Jews were on their side, the Jews do what is good for them, not Hindus, and what is good for Jews is a series of Noahide states in India, not Hindu nationalism.  Now I will be working with Muslims to create a Muslim-Noahide state, Christians to create a Christian-Noahide state, Sikhs to create a Sikh-Noahide state, and any other element who would seek to break off of India, including Marxists and ethnic separatists. I am going to get all the enemies of Hinduism under one pact, under one leadership, led by the Jews, who are very intelligent and who have a marvelous plan to take over India, and it is going to work, it will wipe out most of Hinduism until the Kalki Avatar comes. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Hindus in India must manipulate Noahidism to eradicate Christianity and Islam and simplify the enemy

The symbol of Noahide Law is the rainbow
Noah's Rainbow

If you do not know what the Noahide Laws are, see (here). I had an entire blog on Noahide evangelism in India but it was taken down by google for some mysterious reason. Many Hindus are underestimating the Noahide movement and its appeal. Christianity and Islam have bad reputations as conquering religions, especially in India, they have a long history with lots of wrongdoing and colonialism. Noahidism on the other hand is virtually ahistorical, there has never been a large Noahide movement or empire in history, Noahides have clean hands. According to many Hindus, Jews, who are the priestly caste to the Noahides, are also guiltless of almost any crime, in fact not only are they innocent, they are such high achievers and people to look up to, so if the Jews are behind it, it must be good, or at least not bad. 

Why can't Hindus see that this new simple, straightforward religion that can be understood within one minute is the one world religion of the future? Noahide converts are springing up all over the globe, the US government has proclaimed the Noahide laws as the foundation of American civilization, the U.N. is on board, the Vatican is on board, Freemasons are Noahides, Islam is on board, the Druze are on board, and countless government officials and powerful people as well. An alliance, a cabal, has formed and they are working to Noahidize the world. 

But there are cracks in this coalition. In the end, Noahidism is a competing philosophy against Christianity and Islam, the Rabbis and Noahides want Noahides, not Christians or Muslims. Christianity is idolatry, or at least impermissible shituf, and if Islam is not idolatry it is still illegal to practice. The Rabbis tend to be very careful in condemning Christianity as idolatry, but the Noahides are not at all. Many if not all Noahides absolutely hate Christianity, though some are more favorable toward Islam because it is only considered idolatry by the fringe (but it is still illegal to practice [inventing a new religion])

Christianity, because of the trinity, is most definitely idolatry. To worship a man, Jesus, a physical being, as god is obviously idolatry and any Jew can prove it to you from the Torah. Islam, though not usually considered idolatry because there is no man-god, still often fall below the standard of Noahidism as many Muslims assert idolatry can technically be practiced under a Muslim state. From the Noahide perspective, Hindus must attack these religions, and especially Christianity. I will soon create a written piece on the scriptures which prove Christianity is idolatry from the Torah, but below is a video I did with an anti-Christian Jew exposing Christianity as idolatry. I encourage all Hindus to watch it to understand this argument. 

Christianity is Idolatry with Judas Fly and Claire Khaw

Noahidism is expanding in India, but they need some help. By simply attacking Christians as idol worshipers, we are exposing them to Noahide arguments, and this will speed up the conversion process. I suggest every Hindu demonstrate outrage at the fact that Christians are hypocrites and have been wreaking having on idolators for centuries when they are in fact idolators themselves. Make them look stupid and foolish. Again I will be working on more material for you to use against Christians. By attacking Christianity we will also attract Muslims simply by spreading the word. The point is to get as many Christians and Muslims to become Noahides as possible. Why? Noahides hate Christians and Muslims and want to eradicate these religions, and once they have enough numbers, they will do it in force. 

Promoting Noahide concepts in India will drain Christianity and Islam and also create at least an anti-Christian movement in the country. But there is a second positive, this will also increase animosity between Christians and Muslims with the Jews, we can get them all turning on each other. But there is one more thing and that is simplifying the enemy. Right now Hindus have tens of enemies, but if they all become Noahides, there will be just one, which is much easier to analyze and predict than a messy situation with many competing players. At the very least this will stir up trouble for Abrahamics in India. 

As for now, we can spread Noahide ideology in India by attacking Christianity, but I would also suggest some Hindu read books on Noahidism and go through my website and try to convert Christians and Muslims online, pretending to be Noahides (converts to Noahidism), from fake accounts. Cause animosity and suspicion, and create a hateful cult in India which seeks to eradicate Christianity and Islam. Noahidism is already spreading in India like wildfire, might as well use this cult to our advantage rather than just letting it take Hindus one by one. Preach against them, but call Christians idolators, warn Hindus, but try to convert Christians and Muslims. But make sure the Jews know that you will not tolerate conversions by Hindus nor will you ever tolerate the Noahide laws in India. Noahidism must remain a Hindu psyop to create chaos and confusion and to flush out traitors (Hindu sympathizers).

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Hinduism goes beyond veganism and is rooted in fruititarianism

There is a big debate going on in Hinduism and that is about veganism. The traditionalist say milk has been used in Hindu diet and Hindu rituals since forever, but vegans want to end all kinds of use of animals, and Hindus must admit most milk comes from factory farms so the cows are suffering. There is one person going around socially persecuting vegans, he is a British convert to Hinduism and is very traditional and inflexible in his orthodox Vaishnavism. Here is his facebook profile (here), his name is WIlliam Seaborn. He says that since milk drinking has been part of Hinduism as far back as anyone can remember, that veganism is an attack on Hinduism and Hinduism should not evolve over time, he dislikes what he calls "neo-Hinduism", even though Hinduism has had many "neo-Hindu" revolutions. 

However, Seaborn now knows that his assertions are not actually 100% correct, he has been shown the evidence and has chosen to ignore and laugh at it. According the Kurma Purana, in Satya Yuga we only ate fruit, there we no domesticated animals, that came in the Treta Yuga. The Vayu Purana takes this a step further and says that fruitarianism didn't even start until the Treta Yuga and before that humans drank juice that came up from the ground. There are many fasts which call for eating fruit only, and fruit juice was the source of longevity for many peoples of the past. 

The link to the International Gita Society's PDF is below along with the quotes. I hope this will open some people's eyes and they will understand that veganism is not anti-Hindu, Hinduism is actually more extreme than that. I personally believe there is some kind of uplift during the Kali Yuga, a mini-golden age. I believe veganism and eventually, fruitarianism (with vegan B12 supplements) will mark this age, and I think Hinduism will look into its history and not just take inspiration from that, but evolve into something new



Envy and jealousy were unknown in Satya Yuga and everyone was happy. There was no superiors and inferiors and all individuals were equally healthy and equally handsome. There were no fixed places for people to live in, no cities and no villages. Men lived in the mountains and on the shores of the oceans.

In Satya Yuga, water was always freely available. This was no longer the case in Treta Yuga. Water only became available when it rained. Rain was unknown earlier. And as it rained, trees began to grow. People lived on these trees. The fruit from these trees provided the sustenance required to make a living. But gradually, anger and jealousy came to be known and many of the wonderful trees disappeared as mankind picked up evils ways. However, enough trees were left to ensure that people did not die of starvation. They lived on honey gathered from the trees. Although men looked on Satya Yuga with nostalgia, ill-health and disease continued to be unknown even in Treta Yuga. But towards the end of Treta Yuga, people became really sinful. All the trees disappeared. To make a living, mankind had to resort to agriculture and animal husbandry. The weather became inclement and seasons like summer, monsoon and winter led to hardship. Notions of property were also introduced. Individuals appropriated mountains, rivers, land, trees and herbs as their own. To instil righteousness in the minds of people, the principles of varna ashrama dharma were set out towards the end of Treta Yuga.

In Dvapara Yuga, hatred, anger and jealousy became much more common. Fighting started. It was then that Veda Vyasa spread amongst ordinary people, the knowledge that was in the Vedas, by dividing them. Drought, death and disease came to be known in Dvapara Yuga.

In Kali Yuga, fraudulence is the norm. There are severe droughts and famines. Revolutions take place. People are liars and sinners. They are easily angered. They d not respect the brahmanas. The brahmanas, on their part, forget all about the Vedas and yajnas. Shudras become kings and oppress the brahmanas. Some Shudras shave off their heads and wear saffron clothes. They pretend to be religious teachers. And horror of horrors, people start to believe in these fraudulent teachers. Women wear hairpins in their hair. As if this alone were not enough, they refuse to obey their husbands. Thieves are everywhere. The only redeeming feature of Kali Yuga is the fact that even if one worships Shiva just a little bit in Kali Yuga, one attains undying punya (store of merit). 

– Kurma Purana


In satya yuga, winter, summer and monsoon were unknown. All individuals were equally handsome, equally prosperous and equally happy. There was no concept of dharma (righteousness) or adharma (evil) since people were naturally righteous. There were no prescribed places where people lived, there were no cities or villages. People lived freely on the shores of the oceans and in the mountains. Roots, fruits or flowers did not grow. People lived on juice that came out of the bowels of the earth. This juice was so miraculous that old age and disease were unknown. Hatred and envy did not exit. There was nothing to be envious about, since all individuals were equal. Moreover, people had the mental power to summon up whatever object they desired. There were no shortages.

As one moved from satya yuga to treta yuga, these mental powers that people possessed disappeared. The primary obsession of individuals in satya yuga was meditation; in treta yuga it became knowledge. Thick clouds appeared in the sky and it began to rain. This rain fostered the growth of various trees. People started to live on the fruits of these trees. The trees also provided barks for clothing and honey. These trees were so wonderful that they were known as kalpavrikshas. That is, they provided whatever it was that one desired. But as treta yuga progressed, people became evil and started to fight over the possession of these trees. Consequently, the trees began to wither away. It was then that habitations started to be built, earlier there had been no fixed dwelling-places for humans. Such habitations were built on mountain and near rivers. Villages and cities were constructed. It also became necessary to have units of measurement. 

– Vayu Purana



A devotee who has taken the vow of listening to the Katha of Shiva Mahapurana, should follow a celibate life. He should sleep on the floor and should have only fruits in the diet. 

– Shiva Purana


A devotee who fasts on Shivaratri remaining only on fruits, attain virtues equivalent to the worship done for the whole year. 

– Shiva Purana


On the sixth day of the lunar fortnight one performs shashthi vrata. One has to live only on fruit and if one performs this vrata, the fruits of any action that one performs live forever. Shashthi vrata should be observed especially in the months of Kartika and Bhadra.

 – Agni Purana



Markandeya says- 'The people residing in KimPurusha Varsh enjoy a long life. They live for 10,000 years. They are never bothered by any kind of disease or sorrow. Just behind Kimpurusha Varsh is situated Hari Varsh. The residents of Hari Varsh enjoy an eternally youthful life because of the sugarcane juice they intake. Meru Varsh, which is situated near Hari Varsh, is also known as Ilavrit. It is devoid of the light of the Sun but gets sufficient light from the radiant Sumeru Mountain. It is so bright that even the Sun gets overshadowed. People living in Meru Varsh enjoy a very long life for 30,000 years. Similarly people living in Ramyak Varsh sustain themselves by drinking fruit juice. They live for 10,000 years. Hiranyamay Varsh is situated towards the north of Ramyak Varsh where the river Hiranvati flows. The residents of Hiranyamay are powerful, rich and handsome in appearance. - Markandeya Purana