Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Hindus in India must manipulate Noahidism to eradicate Christianity and Islam and simplify the enemy

The symbol of Noahide Law is the rainbow
Noah's Rainbow

If you do not know what the Noahide Laws are, see (here). I had an entire blog on Noahide evangelism in India but it was taken down by google for some mysterious reason. Many Hindus are underestimating the Noahide movement and its appeal. Christianity and Islam have bad reputations as conquering religions, especially in India, they have a long history with lots of wrongdoing and colonialism. Noahidism on the other hand is virtually ahistorical, there has never been a large Noahide movement or empire in history, Noahides have clean hands. According to many Hindus, Jews, who are the priestly caste to the Noahides, are also guiltless of almost any crime, in fact not only are they innocent, they are such high achievers and people to look up to, so if the Jews are behind it, it must be good, or at least not bad. 

Why can't Hindus see that this new simple, straightforward religion that can be understood within one minute is the one world religion of the future? Noahide converts are springing up all over the globe, the US government has proclaimed the Noahide laws as the foundation of American civilization, the U.N. is on board, the Vatican is on board, Freemasons are Noahides, Islam is on board, the Druze are on board, and countless government officials and powerful people as well. An alliance, a cabal, has formed and they are working to Noahidize the world. 

But there are cracks in this coalition. In the end, Noahidism is a competing philosophy against Christianity and Islam, the Rabbis and Noahides want Noahides, not Christians or Muslims. Christianity is idolatry, or at least impermissible shituf, and if Islam is not idolatry it is still illegal to practice. The Rabbis tend to be very careful in condemning Christianity as idolatry, but the Noahides are not at all. Many if not all Noahides absolutely hate Christianity, though some are more favorable toward Islam because it is only considered idolatry by the fringe (but it is still illegal to practice [inventing a new religion])

Christianity, because of the trinity, is most definitely idolatry. To worship a man, Jesus, a physical being, as god is obviously idolatry and any Jew can prove it to you from the Torah. Islam, though not usually considered idolatry because there is no man-god, still often fall below the standard of Noahidism as many Muslims assert idolatry can technically be practiced under a Muslim state. From the Noahide perspective, Hindus must attack these religions, and especially Christianity. I will soon create a written piece on the scriptures which prove Christianity is idolatry from the Torah, but below is a video I did with an anti-Christian Jew exposing Christianity as idolatry. I encourage all Hindus to watch it to understand this argument. 

Christianity is Idolatry with Judas Fly and Claire Khaw

Noahidism is expanding in India, but they need some help. By simply attacking Christians as idol worshipers, we are exposing them to Noahide arguments, and this will speed up the conversion process. I suggest every Hindu demonstrate outrage at the fact that Christians are hypocrites and have been wreaking having on idolators for centuries when they are in fact idolators themselves. Make them look stupid and foolish. Again I will be working on more material for you to use against Christians. By attacking Christianity we will also attract Muslims simply by spreading the word. The point is to get as many Christians and Muslims to become Noahides as possible. Why? Noahides hate Christians and Muslims and want to eradicate these religions, and once they have enough numbers, they will do it in force. 

Promoting Noahide concepts in India will drain Christianity and Islam and also create at least an anti-Christian movement in the country. But there is a second positive, this will also increase animosity between Christians and Muslims with the Jews, we can get them all turning on each other. But there is one more thing and that is simplifying the enemy. Right now Hindus have tens of enemies, but if they all become Noahides, there will be just one, which is much easier to analyze and predict than a messy situation with many competing players. At the very least this will stir up trouble for Abrahamics in India. 

As for now, we can spread Noahide ideology in India by attacking Christianity, but I would also suggest some Hindu read books on Noahidism and go through my website and try to convert Christians and Muslims online, pretending to be Noahides (converts to Noahidism), from fake accounts. Cause animosity and suspicion, and create a hateful cult in India which seeks to eradicate Christianity and Islam. Noahidism is already spreading in India like wildfire, might as well use this cult to our advantage rather than just letting it take Hindus one by one. Preach against them, but call Christians idolators, warn Hindus, but try to convert Christians and Muslims. But make sure the Jews know that you will not tolerate conversions by Hindus nor will you ever tolerate the Noahide laws in India. Noahidism must remain a Hindu psyop to create chaos and confusion and to flush out traitors (Hindu sympathizers).