I write this article from the perspective of an ex-Leftist, indeed in my youth I naively considered myself to be a "Communist", but that was only because I was in love with the egalitarian ideal and knew very little about leftist ideology. As an ex-Leftist I can see why most people are confused with the Left's seemingly favorable leaning toward all Islamic causes. Isn't the Left supposed to stand for rationalism, equality and justice; everything that Islam seems to be lacking? How is it that the Left can be so hypocritical, criticizing every instance of sexist and classist minutiae in Western society but remain conspicuously silent in the face of egregious human rights violations under Islamic regimes? Why is the Left so quick to condemn everything considered to be Judeo-Christian but silently tolerate or even openly venerate Islam? Why is the Left particularly anti-Israel and pro-Palestine? All of these questions can be answered by looking at the history of Leftism and the people who it attracts.
Leftism is Judeo-Christian and Eurocentric

All strains of Leftism take their roots from the philosophy and writings of Karl Marx. Marx was a German of mixed Christian and Jewish heritage who lived during a time when most Europeans had become sick and tired of the societies created by Judeo-Christianity. The Bible had been used to legitimize tyrannical monarchies, parasitic imperialism, racism, slavery and a disdain for rational and scientific inquiry. Karl Marx like most Europeans at the time had no living memory of being suppressed or subjected by Islam, in their minds all of their problems had been caused by Judeo-Christian culture and dogma. Marx, like many Communists, viewed Christianity as an opiate that was used to keep the working class repressed and submissive to abusive aristocrats, and to a great deal his estimation was correct
"The social principles of Christianity preach cowardice, self -contempt, abasement, submissiveness and humbleness, in short all the qualities of the rabble, and the proletariat, which will not permit itself to be treated as rabble, needs its courage, its self-confidence, its pride and its sense of independence even more than its bread. The social principles of Christianity are sneaking and hypocritical, and the proletariat is revolutionary."
- Karl Marx (Marx, The Communism of the Rheinische Beobachter, Marx, Engels Collected works).
Marx's grandfather was a Dutch Rabbi and so Marx had a certain grasp on the ins and outs of the Jewish Religion as well. He himself wrote a book entitled "A world without Jews" in which he called upon all Jews to leave their religion behind which he accused of being detrimentally materialistic and parasitic. (Marx-World Without Jews PDF) While Marx and other Communists of the era spent a great deal of time analyzing and criticizing Judeo-Christianity, there was very little talk about Islam for no other reason than because it was not on the mind of Europeans at the time. Marxism was born of Judeo-Christian antagonism and so it has remained the obsession of Leftists to destroy their tormentors to this day.
Today's Leftism is Lead by Ex-Christians and Ex-Jews

Let's look at today's Leftism. Though Leftism has spread to every corner of the earth, the leading intellectual and political leaders of the movement remain Westerners mainly of European backgrounds. Most Europeans and Americans were not tormented or abused by Muslims, indeed most Westerners know little to nothing about Islam other than it is a foreign ideology which is practiced mainly by non-Whites. However, most Westerners have an intimate knowledge of the abuses of Judeo-Christianity. It is very difficult to get people who have been oppressed in their very lives by Bible-based religions to all of a sudden focus on a power that seems so far and distant and which they don't perceive to have ever effected them directly. If you look at the leadership of Leftism today, the vast majority come from Christian and Jewish backgrounds. These Leftists don't have childhood memories of being suppressed by Islam, they are more concerned about lifting the yoke of Judeo-Christianity.
Christians and Jews use Islam and the Left knows this
Because Leftist leadership comes primary from ex-Christian and ex-Jewish circles, they have a deep understanding of how Christians and Jews are using Islam to accomplish their own agendas. Most Leftists rightfully see Muslims as being used to distract from the sins of Judeo-Christianity. Also, Jews and Christians are using the war on Jihad to bolster themselves, to revive their image as the benevolent powers that are fighting off evil and who will save the world from Islam. To a person raised in the heard of Judeo-Christianity, this deception is just too much to bear, it is impossible for them to sit by and watch while those who vexed their very lives use Islam to wash their image while simultaneously sharpening their military prowess. The idea of restored Judeo-Christian supremacy on the back of Islam terrifies most Leftist, and rightfully so.
The Left knows the Judeo-Christian End Game

Western culture is of course steeped in the Bible, it makes up the very fabric of its being. Even if you were not raised strict Christian or Jewish, you cannot escape the Bible's influence on your mind or outlook if you were born and raised in the West. Bible obsession can be seen in almost all Western movies, books and conspiracy theories, it is momentarily impossible for the West to escape "Bible consciousness". Jews and Christians often use the West's Bible consciousness to manipulate the masses. Judeo-Christians brag and fear monger, pointing to how their Biblical prophecies are coming true. Israel has been restored, Damascus Syria will soon be destroyed, and violent conflicts are breaking out across the planet, all with religious overtones. The Left is correct in its knowledge that Bible prophecy is not coming true by the hand of god but by the hand of Judeo-Christian politicians.. And yes, Jews and Christians are using the problem of Islam to accomplish their goals of apocalypse and eventual Christain-Zionist dominionism, and the left sees right through it. Ex-Jews know that the Jews seek to establish their Biblical/Talmudic supremacy over the entire earth, and ex-Christians know that Christians are trying to bring about a mass war of armageddon. For those who escaped these cults, their fear of this future is greater than their fear of Islam.
Neo Judeo-Christian Colonialism

The Bible has been used to justify imperialism and race based slavery ever since it captured the European people by force. Time and time again, Judeo-Christians stole the land from darker skinned natives and often times wiped them out in the process. The Talmud and the Bible prefer lighter skinned "Semitic" and "Japhetic" people and imply that "Hamitic" people have no rights other than to serve god's people. The Talmud states that Hamites were cursed with dark skin, thus Judeo-Christianity equates dark skin with lower status and slavery. When the Left looks at the conflict in Israel/Palestine, they don't see Jews killing Muslims, they see Europeanized Jews backed by European Christians randomly invading and killing darker skinned people for no other reason than because they happened to be living on Biblical land. According to the Bible/Talmud, this is not the first time that lighter skinned people stole this land and displaced the darker skinned inhabitants. Judeo-Christians were raised on the stories of the first Biblical genocides where the supposedly darker skinned Canaanites were invaded and enslaved. A re-enactment of this play using their tax payer dollars is just to much for most ex-Jews and ex-Christians to tolerate, and so they side with the darker skinned Palestinians, regardless of the fact that they are Muslims.
The Left Needs Conflict

Yet, the Left does of course have its own devious agenda. The Communist Manifesto sets forth an ideology whereby all of civilization is inherently based on class and, by extension, race conflict. The Left are never interested in resolving conflicts because that would destroy their theory and their very reason for being. The Left needs conflict to legitimize its ideology and it allows them to offer up their solutions, which according to the Communist Manifesto is centralized economic planning. The Left of course knows who the Muslims are and do not really favor Islam or Palestine, but by supporting Palestine and other Islamic causes the Left fosters the conflict they need. It is of course their hope and aspiration to maintain these conflicts long enough to exhaust both sides and then present themselves as the only rational and logical alternative to continuous warfare.
The Left's End Game
In the end, everyone knows that the Left is not really a friend of Islam. The Left is using Islam to fulfill their agenda. Islam serves as a counter balance to Judeo-Christianity and helps to drain their power. The Left to a certain degree is very smart, they are using both of their enemies to destroy each other, but for right now Islam needs their help on the playing field so they are momentarily presenting themselves as friends of Islam. Once the time is right and both sides are no longer as much of a threat and/or Judeo-Christianity has been weakened enough to make them feel safe, the Left will turn on Islam and pretend they had opposed Sharia and Muslim human rights violations from the very beginning, and Leftist governance will be their alternative.
How To Counter The Left's Agenda

The left's agenda can only work so long as we continue to take sides in the war between Judeo-Christianity and Islam. By supporting Jews and Christians we feed into the Left's legitimate fears, we do indeed in a way become the enemies of free thought, freedom, and rationalism; we also help to prop up all that the Bible stands for, which is nothing good. By blaming Islam for everything we feed the Left's need to take the side of the so-called victim. If we want to diffuse the Left we need to come up with an alternative third way, a way that does not support either side of the conflict but drains energy from both of them. By supporting Hinduism and only Hinduism and not giving our energies to Bible-based agendas we can avoid being blamed for taking part in an unjust war and ignoring the abuses of Judeo-Christians. By showing the Left that we can sympathize with their fears about Judeo-Christianity we can turn them from enemies into allies. The Left could come to our side the day that we stop taking sides between Jews, Muslims, and Christians, the day we openly acknowledge that there is no just side in this war. By freeing ourselves of the burden of having to carry the political weight of Judeo-Christianity, Hindus can begin to become a viable alternative to the Left, who in the end want freedom and rationalism above Islam, and that is something we can provide them.
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