What is Judaism? What is Noahidism? While many Hindus feel as though they have a good relationship with Jews, most will realize they know very little about the Jewish religion or its ULTIMATE aims and objectives. What is the ultimate aim of Judaism? Unbeknownst to most Hindus, Zionism is much more than a purely nationalistic endeavor, Zionism also has a plan for the whole world, and it is not something pleasant for non-Jews, particularly "idolators".
So what is Noahidism and Noahide Law? Simply stated, Judaism has two sets of laws, one law for Jews, and one mandatory compulsory law for non-Jews. Noahide Law can be complicated but it is a set of seven commandments which all non-Jews of the world are obligated to follow, on pain of death:
1. No Idolatry
2. No Blasphemy
3. No "Sexual Immorality"
4. No Murder (Jews may murder non-Jews [here])
5. No Theft (Jews may steal for non-Jews [here])
7. Set up courts to enforce the above 6 laws on pain of death by beheading
For more information on the Noahide Laws see my blog on this subject (here)
Now to many Hindus these laws seem old and antiquated and the idea that Jews would want to enforce these laws let alone have the power and ability to do so would seem ridiculous, but the Zionists have been keeping silent on many issues that Hindus should be aware of.
In 1991 the United States passed a bill called Public Law 102-14 (
here). This law asserts that these Noahide Laws for non-Jews are the "foundation" upon which American society was founded (not the constitution?), that it is our "responsibility" to teach the populace about these laws (favoring one religion over another?), and that at some date in time the President of the United States will sign and "international scroll" along with other heads of state promising to return the world to the morals of the Noahide Laws (will this scroll be international law?).
How were the Jew able to have such a law passed when it is obviously offensive and unconstitutional? Could it be that Jews have more power and influence than most Hindus can understand? Did you know that these laws have also been stated as mandatory in official proclamations from the United Nations (
here) and the Vatican (
here)? Did you know that international Freemasonry officially endorses these laws (
here) and there are attempts to get the Sunni Muslim world to comply as well (
Why is this coming up all of a sudden now, why have we not heard of these laws for the past millennia? The answer is the growing might of the nation of Israel and Zionism. Judaism's ultimate objective is for Israel to rule as a priest nation over the rest of the world's non-Jews who are to be forced to follow the Noahide Laws or be killed, and for the first time in history, the Jews are approaching the ability to enact this final vision of their religion.
But the Noahide Laws are not preached in a draconian or terrifying way, as this might be hard to believe, many people actually willingly convert to following these laws, and they are called "Noahides". These Noahides along with Jews run evangelist organization with the official backing of the state of Israel (
here) to bring the world's masses to an understanding and acceptance of this doctrine. There are current programs going on to convert Hindus in India to Noahidism (
here) and the Noahide agenda has officially infiltrated America's largest Hindu "advocay" organization, the Hindu American Foundation (HAF) (
So what else have these Jewish and Noahide evangelists been up to in regards to Hinduism? FollowersOfYah .com is a Christian website that promotes the worship of Jesus but uses Hebrew and Old Testament imagery and culture to do so; at first you might think it is a Jewish site, but it isn't. According to FollowersOfYah, a now defunct Noahide website called www. RainbowCovenant .org published a series of cartoons (archived below) which promote the Noahide Laws but which are extremely anti-pagan. These cartoons depict pagans such as Vikings, Native Americans and ancient Greeks as stupid, drunk, superstitious charlatans who have no business teaching Jews about the Torah; other cartoons feature pagans converting to Noahidism. Worse than this, one cartoon depicts non-Jews being beheaded for not complying with the Noahide Laws! Even the Noahide website itself stated that some people found the cartoons to be inappropriate. If we can trust the source, which it seems we can from the evidence, what kind of people would publish such images? This is the dehumanization needed to convince the world that non-Jews who do not follow the Noahide Laws are worthy only of death.
Followers of Yah accuses Noahide website of publishing anti-pagan cartoonshttp://rainbowcovenant.followersofyah.com/index.html
Archive of RainbowCovenant.org cartoon page (images not included)https://web.archive.org/web/20100305145416/http://www.rainbowcovenant.org/pages/cartoons_000.htm
A Viking is portrayed as
a stupid barbarian hick
who has no business
teaching Jews from the Torah
Pagans are shamed for
their nature worship
and their gods mocked
Native Americans portrayed
as superstitious and crazy
Pagan oracles depicted as
drunken charlatans and harlots
Pagans converting to Noahidism?
Non-Jews being beheaded
for not following the Noahide Laws
But what about Hindus, did the Jews and Noahides have anything to say about us? One of the cartoons condemns public schools for teaching about pagan religions, and it is obvious the religion they chose to condemn as idolatry is Hinduism. You can see from the way the idol is designed, along with the diya in the young girl's hand, that this is an obvious representation of a Hindu ritual which the cartoons mocks with the idol looking absurd and zany.
The Noahide Laws promote the beheading of non-Jews who practice idolatry, and the Noahide website above shows various peoples and cultures which it attempts to dehumanize as worthy of death, and yes, one of these cultures is Hinduism. Did you know that the Jewish holy book of the Talmud specifically states Hindus (Indians) are heathens?
The preserved ginger which comes from India is permitted [24]
Footnote 24: In spite of the fact that it has been prepared by heathens.
- 1962 Soncino Babylonian Talmud, Mas. Berachoth 36b
The Noahide laws are hateful and murderous, and so are these cartoons. Hindus should be aware that even though they may now seem to have good relations with the Zionists, in the end, their heads will also be on the chopping block.