Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Hindus should take over the sex industry

In my early 20s I was a prostitute in NYC. How did this happen? Well yes, money was an issue at the time, I was going to school and working and paying rent and it was impossible to keep up so I began to sell my body to make ends meet. But money was not the only reason I got involved in the sex industry as I had wanted to be since around the age of 16. In this day and age, the call to live a life of sex is viewed as an aberration, a mental illness, a sign of immorality and something simply dark and sinister. But this has only become true in the age of the Bible and the Quran as before this time sex work was not only often legal but was viewed as normal and even religious. 

As a young Christian I was oftentimes struck by the sex worshipping pagans of the Bible which the Israelites invaded and exterminated. While the Israelites were cunning and haughty, the pagans were warm and generous, oftentimes helping the Jews only to be plagued for their kindness. One central theme of the noble pagans was their incorporation of sex into their worship. The pagans of Canaan worshipped versions of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, the goddess of love, sex and war. In Canaan, as well as in Babylon, sacred sex temples were erected where sacred prostitutes of both sexes served the men of the land in sexual rites and social customs. In some societies, a woman could not be married until she had sold her body at the temple of the gods. Very common among the sex groves were male sodomite priests who enticed men into the religion of the state.

What happened to this pagan culture was an atrocity as as the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam grew they violent wiped out the sex worshipers and their temples, and since that time the Abrahamic have dominated the human thinking on sex. What was once pure and holy became profane and sinful and everything connected to sex became smudgy. Today, sex and the sex industry are viewed as anything but religious and social but nothing but a den of dirt and iniquity, and any person who would be attracted to such a lifestyle is immediately viewed as somehow less worthy of a human being, not a priest of priestess. 

Before my conversion to Hinduism I dedicated my worship to the gods of sex, love, and war such as Ishtar and incorporated their persona into my work as a prostitute as well as my vivid sex life, it was a far cry from the ancient sex worship of Canaan, but I kept the faith regardless. After converting to Hinduism I found the god of love, sex, passion and desire, Kama Deva, who has remained my primary god since.  In the Mahabharata, kings would keep harems of women who were trained in the arts of the god Kama and who would pleasure the men invited to the palace. In the Bhagavatam Purana, Krishna rewards a devote hunchback woman with a beautiful appearance and says for her reward she may establish a pleasure house for men.  The Kama Sutra explains many forms of sexual activity among the Hindus, one of which was the maintenance of men's grooming and massage parlors where patrons could receive homosexual services (a form of prostitution). And then, of course, are the famous Hindu sex temples with images of all sorts of sexual activities carved into the edifice. 

However, due to Christian colonialism and Islamic invasion, the Hindus have also become very prudent about sex and so today my worship of the sex gods of Hinduism is often viewed with suspicion and as immorality, I am must admit this is very hard to deal with as I feel as though my internal calling is to worship these gods and so I have persisted. Many find it strange that it hurts me to see the sex industry owned and operated by men who see no divinity in it but only take advantage of sex starved citizens, cynically peddling to them crumbs of smut. But worse still is the fact that these men make millions of dollars a year off porn and prostitution when that money should be going into the hands of men who actually respect sex and see it as an act of worship.

I remember reading in Hindu scripture that during the dark age of Kali Yuga wicked men ruled the minds of all with Kama (sex). Since Kama Deva is my highest god you can imagine it pains me to see his arts used by evil people to subvert what I consider one of the holiest institutions on earth. Some say that there is nothing we can do to thwart the Kali Yuga, that it must take its course and we should just accept that at this time the unworthy rule and pervert the natural and social laws. But for me, I just cannot watch as the very institution that I love is kidnapped and misused by our enemies. I am of the persuasion that determination and love can shift the age of Kali Yuga and even during this time beautiful things can be made true and the forces of darkness can at least be partially subdued.

Right now the sex industry is ruled by the wrong people who are becoming more and more powerful and who are using the human sex drive to corrupt the whole earth and bring them away from the gods, making them believe sex is a low and dirty act, associating it with dark dirty rooms and sociopathic behavior. Let me ask Hindus this, why should these men be making all the money and controlling the industry?  Someone needs to profit from this, someone needs to set the tone, why leave it to the powers of darkness? 

I lived much of my life near NYC and I still live close so I go into the city often.  One thing that I noticed was that many if not most of the sex stores and porn houses are owned by Indian Hindus.  Muslims and Christians will find it hard to dominate the sex industry due to their morals and inability to see free love as godly, and so the only competition for Hindus is really the irreligious. These men are often cruel, selfish and exploitative, meaning that they neither provide workers not customers with the type of satisfaction that comes from considerate ownership. How could Hindus be positive owners of an industry which is already saturated with negativity?

Look, the porn has been made, the sex shops are already open, the people who rule the earth today have already degraded sex to a vice industry... and they are controlling it, manipulating it and profiting off of it. Hindus should already use their in in the sex industry to monopolize it and make sure all these profits and control go to Hindus and not others. Once we gain control of the sex industry we can then use if for our own purposes, first controlling the minds of those who can only be controlled by the lowest forms of sex as they themselves are debased, but at the same time reintroducing sex worship culture associated with the gods and high ideals. 

The god Kama Deva is the god of lust and sex, and in the scriptures he uses sex to both distract the unworthy but also lead people to good. The gods exist so that humans may emulate them and walk in their footsteps. If the god Kama Deva can rule the minds of humans for the best of humanity, then so can humans; like Kama we are allowed to wield the power of sex from both spectrums, dark and light. The irreligious do not own sex, that is reserved for those gods who created it for higher purposes, why should Hindus sit and watch as all the money and power goes to the mlecca while also allowing them to craft the thinking on this issue. Why can't Hindus, like Kama Deva, use sex to bring people to the gods while also making the profits and connections to out the competition? For the best of the world and Hindu power, Hindus should and must take over the sex industry, which they have halfway already. 

1 comment:

  1. Smelly hindus are frowned upon all over the world. It's better to buy a sex doll than have sex with a filthy hindu.
