Wednesday, March 13, 2019

This St. Patrick's Day Hindus ask the Irish to remember Alban Eiler

March 17th is fast approaching and the Irish are getting ready for what they mistakenly believe is their trademark holiday.  The Irish in American take great pride in their St. Patrick's Day parades, there are few ethnic festivals which are celebrated with such enthusiasm here.  On St. Patrick's Day, supposedly everybody is Irish.  But what Hindus and the Irish alike need to know is the St. Patrick's Day is neither Irish nor festive, it is a celebration of Celtic genocide and the veneration of the rule of foreign Catholic tyrant over the Emerald Isle.

Now before I begin my tirade on this so called holiday, let me first tell you my own personal experience when it comes to the Irish.  As a child, I had an Irish stepfather who was fresh off the boat from Dublin.  He had the thickest Irish accent around and was the quintessential happy-go-lucky Leprechaun.  In our house, we spoke in what the Irish know as rhyming slang... we did not eat toast, we ate "holy ghost", we did not use money, we used "bugs bunny", these and a hundred other substitutes were familiar to me as a child. 

Here is something else that many Irish people may remember, and something I always really admired about the culture.  My Irish stepfather also had two biological children of his own, my half-siblings. Whenever one of us had a birthday, it was always the other siblings "half-birthday". While the birthday child would get the biggest presents, the other brothers and sisters would get smaller presents of their own.  At my very first half-birthday I instinctively knew from my stepfather's typical wink that half-birthdays were an Irish way to prevent jealousy and rivalry among the siblings, I have always remembered and loved this tradition. 

But there was also a very dark and sad side to Irish culture that I always hated.  My Irish stepfather of course had many other Irish friends, but he also had many many Irish-American friends who we visited often.  To be honest, I never liked hanging out with the Irish-Americans very much, not because there was anything wrong with them, but because their nihilistic drinking culture upset me. It used to make me sick to my stomach when almost every time we were in the company of my stepfather's Irish friends, they would bring up people of the past who had died from alcoholism. What upset me the most was that when they would recount the absolute painful deaths and destroyed lives of their loved ones, they were not at all sad but used to laugh and laugh and laugh as they drank down their own beers.  

People's extended livers were the topic of much joking discussion and they often had decorative "Irish" pieces which features their kinsmen in drunken stupors with broken blood vessels all over their rutty faces.  I found this to be horrible and could not understand why the Irish would celebrate the demise of their own race in this fashion. Almost every single Irish-American I knew growing up was known to have great potential and great talent, but it was almost always taken away from them by the drink.  I remember seeing the Irish of my town producing the most beautiful tile designs, they were also amazing carpenters.  I remembered walking in on one known drunk Irishman one day, he did not have much stability in his life, but on this day he had somehow found the strength to draw a picture of an African Savanna.  I remember I almost cried because the drawing looked like it belonged in a museum, alcohol had masked the talent of this incredible artist from the world. 

The Irish have a very troubled past in the United States.  At one time they were not even considered to be white.  NINA stood for "No Irish Need Apply" and was hung from store windows in America's major cities (See "How The Irish Became White").  The fact that the Irish were Catholic was also an issue, since at that time when they were immigrating in waves to the United States, the nation was solidly Protestant and the people feared a reenactment of the genocides the Vatican had reaped upon them in Europe, thus for a long time the Irish inhabited the lowest rungs of society.  This has produced a strong social justice streak in Irish-Americans and you will find that they are some of the least racist people around.  But is this really the legacy of the Irish, drunk laborers, with the occasional artist or scholar thrown in between? I won't lie, as an adult I will admit I don't much fancy "Irish" culture,  which is actually Catholic culture, but I love the Irish for their past and what they could be again. 

This March 17th, you Irish and your friends will purposely go out and get so smashed that you don't know where you are or what you are doing, and you will think you are celebrating your culture, but you are actually celebrating your own cultural demise.  Who was St. Patrick?  Was he even Irish?  What is this talk about the "snakes" he drove out of Ireland?  What every Irish Celt and Hindu needs to know is that St. Patrick was no Irishman but a fanatical Romanized British Catholic. Now the exact history of St. Patrick is a bit blurry, and he could have been more than one person, but the story is that he was a Brit Christian missionary and zealot, intolerant, fanatical iconoclast who came to Ireland to destroy and wipe out the indigenous Celtic religion. St. Patrick came to Ireland to destroy the soul culture of the Irish people. 

Prior to the arrival of St. Patrick, the Irish had one of the richest and most beautiful religious expressions on earth.  Celtic polytheism shows a philosophical depth and breadth which the Irish have lost today.  While it is likely that most Irish-Americans do not know this, like we Hindus who have our four holy books, the four Vedas, you Celts still have remnants of your "Four Cycles", the histories and anthologies of your pagan ancestors. These Four Cycles, Irish pagan epics, are the history of how your Island was settled by your ancestors and the traditions of your kings and priests. While you once worshiped gods of your own like, today you drunkenly bow before a Semitic god, imposed upon you by Britain and Rome. Many Irish people love to attend "Celtic" festivals so that they may enjoy the remnants of their own culture.  You are famous for your ornate Celtic design and lively music and melodic poety, but you forget that these are the fruits of your pagan heritage, they have been all but washed away by the Catholic Church.  You once lived your entire life in a Celtic festival, now you get cheap tatoos and poke fun at each others beer bellies on the random Saturday afternoon. You have subverted your Celtic genius to a mere pint of  Guinness. But how did this happen?

This March 17th, millions of Irish will be parading in the streets, blowing your bag pipes, celebrating the life of the man who destroyed your culture, you will be celebrating your own cultural genocide. St. Patrick is famous for casting all of the "snakes" out of Ireland, these snakes are believed to represent "pagans". Irish Celts, St. Patrick drove your own culture, your own kings, and your own priests out of Ireland and replaced them with this sole festival of debauchery. St. Patrick was a Celt hater and is responsible for the mass murder of the highest and most noble people and ideals of your race and civilization. Have you ever wondered why the Irish are so drunk?  Has it ever crossed your mind that perhaps you are all very depressed and don't even know it?  Your Celtic ancestors produced some of the most profound religious concepts and epic poetry on earth, they build some of the most beautiful temples and shrines in all of Europe and they sang enchanting songs, the faded glory of which still echos today. Under Catholicism you have lost your soul and your culture, you are drowning yourselves in your misery and the Catholic Church has turned your pain into a feast where you can be lulled to sleep as you slowly die. 

Here is something the once proud Celts should consider, as you look around you and see only shadows of your once glorious past, think about where the Church is taking you.  The Vatican cares nothing for your individual cultural expression, Catholics are Catholics.  The word "Catholic" means "Universal", you all listen to the same sermons and sing the same songs in your churches every Sunday, and soon there will be no difference between you and any other Catholic on earth, culturally, historically or ethnically.  Celtic man and woman, you are in the death throes, you are under a spell and you need to wake up before it is too late.  But you are not alone, believe it or not you have much in common with us Hindus, and if you are creative and brave enough, you can work with us to revive your ancient ways in the modern world. 

Have you ever heard of the word "Indo-European"?  This word implies that the languages, religions of and cultures stretching from India to Europe all have many similarities, they are actually an extended and interconnected family.  Our ancient Vedas are written in the Sanskrit language, and even though this language appeared in India, it is remarkably similar to your Old Irish, the language of your ancient Celtic priests.  Here are some examples:
Old Irish - arya (freeman),Sanskrit - aire (noble)
Old Irish - naib (good), Sanskrit - noeib (holy)
Old Irish - badhira (deaf), Sanskrit - bodhar (deaf)
Old Irish - names (respect), Sanskrit - nemed (respect)
Old Irish - righ (king), Sanskrit - raja (king)
Both the ancient Celts and Hindus practice astrology.  Amazingly, we both have the same name for the planet Mercury, which is "Budh".  In both Celtic and Sanskrit, the word "Budh" means "all victorious," "gift of teaching," "accomplished," "enlightened," "exalted" and so on. While the Irish today believe that the pinnacle of your cultural expression is delirium tremens, your ancient pagan ancestors were developing sophisticated astrology and astronomical calendars nearly 1000 years before the birth of "Christ". Your ancient Irish King Ailill of Connacht, had a circular palace constructed with twenty-seven windows through which he could gaze on his twenty-seven "star wives."  Your people once gazed with wonder upon the heavens, now you see pink elephants through the bottom of your glass beer mugs.

You have been led to believe that your ancient Druids were evil magicians, but in fact they were the legatees of your ancient spiritual expression.  Like our Brahman priests, the Druids were keepers of the conscious, living knowledge, scriptures and shrines of your many gods, they acted as guides for you, helping you find your own individual path through this natural world. Ancient Hindus and ancient Celts were both warrior-poets, priest-scientists. Deep down, Hinduism and the ancient Celtic religion are one and the same, our gods are the same, they just have different names, our values are the same, we just use different words to express them.  We are both nature obsessed and seek to live lives of harmony and bravery and peace and justice. This is what makes Hindus and Celtic pagans natural allies. 


So now let's get to the main point of this post, replacing St. Patrick's day with Alban Eiler.  The Catholic church is infamous for placing its holidays over the old pagan festivals of their conquered people, and so it should be no surprise that St. Patrick's day always comes right around the Spring Equinox, which was celebrated as Alban Eiler in ancient Celtic times. Alban Eiler roughly means "Light of the Earth", and was celebrated as a time when light overcomes darkness, when Winter transforms into Spring. One of the presiding Celtic deities of Alban Eiler was Rhiannon, the goddess of wisdom and of horses. She is noted as an intelligent and politically savvy woman who knows how to deliver the win to her people. 

In the featured image of this post, Rhiannon is depicted as a young girl, without her powerful and swift horse; she is born again and does not yet know how to ride or battle. She is being handed a book by our Hindu god Hayagriva, the horse god of knowledge and wisdom.  This represents the alliance Hindus are presenting to the Celts, with Hyagriva we return to Rhiannon her horse and her wisdom so that she may ride and reign again.  Left behind in the cold winter is St. Patrick, bitter over the fact that the "snakes" of Ireland still exist, he stands among the crumbling tombstones of his once mighty empire. Both the Celts and Hindus are the victims of Catholic genocide, just as St. Patrick brought death upon your people, the Vatican reigned down terror on us Hindus during the Goa Inquisition, but this Spring Equinox something is different, the world is changing and is being reborn. It is time that the Irish stop being the drunken puppets of the Vatican and start acting like the kings and queens you once were, Hindus hope to see this day and we have the ancient knowledge and wisdom to help you.  

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