Wednesday, September 5, 2018

White Vedic Nationalism and India

There has been a topic I have been meaning to write for some time but I have been delaying due to the mere depth and breadth of knowledge and insight it would take to write on such a topic and that is the question of Vedic Nationalism, most specifically the question of why Indian Hindus should foster the idea of White Vedic Nationalism in the West and how this could and would help India. As we all know, the closest thing to Vedic Nationalism on earth today is Hindutva, however Hindutva carries no constitution or standard written definition, and to do so is exceedingly difficult as so many varying opinions and needs need to be taken into account, however we must try.

Let us start with the question of Vedic Nationalism in general, what do I mean by this?  There is obviously a difference between Vedic Nationalism and Hindu Nationalism as we have gone out of our way to make a stated and named difference.  As some of us would agree, their is a slight difference between the Old Vedic Religion (known as Vedism or Vedicism) and modern day Hinduism.  The best way to explain this difference is, Hinduism is Vedism but Vedism is not Hinduism.  Hinduism is the interaction of the Vedic Religion with the many tribal cultures of India... these varying tribal cultures yielded in their suppleness to the hard structure of the Vedas and grew around it, making the Vedas their central focus; this admixture is what we call Hinduism.  Vedism is nothing more and nothing less than the original Vedic Texts, known as Samhita, minus this tribal overgrowth.

Now the sticking point is this, most Whites do not feel comfortable calling themselves "Hindus" as this implies Vedism in its Indian Tribal context, though most Whites do feel comfortable drawing from the many tribal traditions of Hinduism for greater context as these did advanced and enriched the Vedas.  However, because it is perceived that the Aryans who originally wrote the Vedas were of a different ethnic and cultural stock than modern day India, a stock which could be taken to be an intermediate between modern day Indians and Europeans, Whites feel much more comfortable adopting the Vedic Religion and ethos as their own.  However, there are too few Whites who have actually read the Vedas and their accompanying literature to build any sort of Vedic Nationalist movement, at least until now.

Both Hindus and Whites have noticed as of late a veritable explosion in interest among Whites in the Vedas, it seems that every day there are more and more White converts to Hinduism and Vedism, as these come from all across the spectrum.  However, it is also noticed that there is most certainly a very strong interest in the Vedas among the budding and rapidly growing White Nationalist crowd in the West which is made up mostly of the 20's and under age bracket, especially among young college students, high schoolers and middle grade students currently.  The vast majority of these currently draw upon Nazism as their base, however they are pliant enough to listen to other perspectives.

As this is only a teaser article, I will not go into details, and I am hoping that this article reaches Whites and Hindus in the know, but we do know that the Samhita Vedas and accompanying literature such as the Atharshastra which is a treatise on statecraft, economics and military tactics provide the bones for creating what could be several forms of governance including the concept of a Vedic Democratic Monarchy (which I wrote about here) where state leaders rule Imperially but are elected by tribal leaders who are in turn given right to rule over their regions by the very people whom they rule.  This system is upheld by the ancient Vedic Varna System where humans are selected by characteristics, but not necessarily by birth, into four classes to help rule the state: Brahmin priests/intellectuals, Kshatriya rulers/warriors, Vaishya administrators/merchants and Shudra laborers/service providers.

So what would be the basic starting block for creating the idea of Vedic Nationalism, and then White Vedic Nationalism and why should Indian Hindus be involved in the question.  It would seem that White Nationalism is indeed growing, whether Indian Hindus like it or not, and if Hindus do not have any input in this movement it could very well swallow them whole, at least in the West.  What I am asking is that Hindus and aligned Whites temper and culture this movement with truly Aryan ethics from the Vedas rather from the socialist inspired Nazism which is currently fueling the movement.  With Hindus serving as advisers on Vedism, Whites could be reasoned with to maintain reasonable borders which would not unduly or negatively effect areas of already mixed populations, and they could also be made to see other races as allies, even if they maintain separate ethno-states. This could certainly evade unnecessary conflicts and genocides, which would only act as fodder for the Globalists who want nothing more than an excuse to come in and control the situation.

The first step in any movement is to effect the intellectual Brahmin caste who are willing and able to read the Vedas and accompanying literature and begin to form state craft opinions of their own and then influence the Kshatriya ruling and warrior caste to believe in implementing such a state as Vedic Nationalism in the form of democratic monarchy, or some other modern statecraft.  There is little time for both Indian Hindus and White Nationalists to read all of the dense literature associated with the Vedas and the Shastras in creating what could be a Vedic democratic state, however such mediums as Wikipedia allow us to get an intense break down of Vedic literature and ideals which can then be research piecemeal by searching the available PDFs of the Vedas, Puranas and Epics available online. This accompanied by Hindu advisers could not only be used to prop up friendly Vedic nations in the West but could be used to re-import this Vedic nationalism back into India which could be a boon to Hindutva, which would now have foreign support along with a more precise definition.

1 comment:

  1. Namaskar

    There are many who engage with a single samhita or mantra bhaga, and perhaps with a single upanishad.

    There are even fewer who are credible purva mimansakas, true agnihotris, in the present time, but they do exist, as do chaturvedis. Vanishingly few, who are shadangi in all 4 Vedas.

    All of the above work within the strict confines of a guru-shishya relationship; rarely would they be of the type willing to talk about their sadhana, for intense daily sadhana it is, a continuous sadhana termed atiraatra, agnicayana, etc.

    There cannot be any let-up, not for a moment.

    People with goals relating to the objective universe will need to look elsewhere than the indians mentioned above. There is the current fashion in Philological/Indological circles that "Indians", being savages, do not know philology, cannot read or understand the nuances of samhita.

    Wendy Doniger leads the pack, along with notable worthies. "goShu brAhmaNeShu etc. is the heading of one of her scholarly articles dealing with a verse in the Manu Smriti, suggesting craven indian idiots are unable to decipher sanskrit sans the aid of superior scholarship, a la Wendy.

    This present idiot found itself tutored at Yale by Stanley Insler, among others, in the niceties of Indo-European grammar. That idiot also appears to have studies samhita at the feet of his most holy and beloved acharya deva. So, it can speak from personal experience.

    Those Indians who WILL talk much about many things vaidika, unless they be of the stature of Swami Krishnananda or Swami Chidanananda, or Sri Anirvan, or a tiny handful of savants, need to left to their own devices. Sadly.

