Representative Tulsi Gabbard is not only a household name among Hindus, she is perhaps already the most popular contender for the Democratic nomination to run for President in 2020. Elected by the state of Hawaii in 2013, Tulsi made headlines across America and India as the United States' first Hindu politician. The Hindu electorate in both India and the US are not so politically shallow as to throw their weight behind a candidate just because they are Hindu, as we know from Indian politics, Hindu politicians are the biggest traitors to Hinduism.
But Tulsi has gained the support of global Hindus by showing favorable leanings towards Modi and the BJP. Gabbard has voted against resolutions in congress which criticized India for religious intolerance, but has also introduced resolutions to condemn the Islamic Republic of Bangladesh where non-Muslims experience constant temple burnings, land grabs, kidnappings, rapes and forced conversions. Hindutva leaning groups in the USA have already started campaigning for Tulsi 2020.
But Tulsi is not only the darling of the Hindu Right, she is also the favorite of the youthful American (mostly White) Left, the old Bernie Sanders crowd. Tulsi captured the fascination of the young Left when she quit her position at the DNC with implied accusations of corruption in order to endorse Bernie Sanders; she became more or less his right hand woman, almost everyone who backed Bernie knows of Tulsi and view her more than favorably. No sooner had Trump been elected than several pro-Tulsi for President young Democratic groups began to form on facebook and other social media, it is perhaps this great enthusiasm which has influenced Gabbard to run for President.
It is no secret that it is believed that Hillary Clinton lost the Presidency because the Bernie Sanders crowed believed she stole the nomination and could not muster the enthusiasm to carry her, indeed even either not voting or even voting for Trump! Since Clinton's perceived betrayal of the Bernie movement the Democratic Party has become deeply divided between those who support the establishment and those who want the introduction of a new outsider. The term "corporate Democrat" is the new slur used against the associates of the Democratic machine and it is widely contended that the old schoolers are machinating against Tulsi just as they did Bernie. Indeed, it is now reported and rumored that rather than the obviously trendy Gabbard, the former Clinton campaign and fund raisers have chosen Senator Kamala Harris as their new race horse. Of course this only makes Tulsi Gabbard shine all the brighter.
However there is a new demographic who has begun to shift Tulsi's way, and that is the pagan White alt-Right, why? The White generation in America below the age of 30 has seen a dramatic decline in Christianity and the rise of paganism. It is common for the Pagan Right to blame Christianity for the ills of the White race, the bringing of a colonial mindset to the continent and the erasing of the natural and pagan spirit of the peoples of Europe. This youthful end of the electorate overwhelming supported Donald Trump in 2016, but have since become deeply disillusioned. You see, this generation were mostly raised in Christian household and they understand the religious agenda behind today's Middle Eastern wars. His more than obvious leanings toward the Christian Right and Zionists does not help.
To sum up the general knowledge which the young American pagan alt-Right contains would be this. Both Christians and Zionists believe it is the religious duty of the United States to not only support and defend Israel, but to take active measures to bring about prophesied war and destruction. Both Christians and Jews tend to believe that their religious prophecies cannot be fulfilled until the Jews have been restored to Israel and a great war is waged. Christians believe this war will be succeeded by the return of Christ who will then either convert the Jews of Israel to Christianity or annihilate them in a holocaust. Indeed, it is esoteric bible prophecy which states that before this grand climax can take place, Damascus Syria must be destroyed, and so it is believed by the young alt-Right pagans that their parents are waging and ideological biblical doomsday war on Syria cloaked as humanitarianism. This not to mention the idea that Christians and Jews are both conspiring to eliminate the Muslim population in the Middle East in order to either take their lands (Greater Israel) or convert them.
Tulsi Gabbard has been vociferously opposed to regime change wars since the beginning, even so much as traveling to Syria to meet with Assad, and this has gained her not only the contempt of the neo-Liberal Democrats and the Christian Right but the love of the alt-Right and even the moderate secular minded members of both parties. Tulsi made news this week as she was officially endorsed by KKK leader David Duke, who promoted her as the one who would make America first. Muslims for Tulsi are also beginning to crop up as she promises to end wars in Asia. The shrinking middle class on both sides of the political spectrum also view her favorably as she is believed to be a nationalist economic liberal. Tulsi is a war veteran and has captured the hearts and minds of much of the military whom she says are being used as pawns. It does not help the Democrats that as neo-Liberals they are overwhelmingly supporting continued war in the Middle East under the guise of establishing democracy and toppling dictators. Verily, it has come to be believed that there is little difference between the established Left and the established Right with odd bedfellows and concealed agendas between them.
But there is a deeper more occult connection between the young White youth and Tulsi Gabbard and that is Hinduism. It is historical fact that while there was a general revival of racialist paganism prior to Nazi Germany, within only a few years there was a veritable explosion in these ideologies among the German people and these led to the rise of Nazism which carried most definitely racial and more subtly pagan overtones. Myths and legends arose among the people of what they believed was an Aryan past, a time when the White race was more physically and spiritually refined, almost gods. It was the determination of the Nazi party to rebreed this Aryan race. It is a matter of contention among Hindus and historians that many Whites believe in what is known as the Aryan Invasion Theory, the idea that is was White Aryans from the North who invaded India, brought them the Vedas, and established the Caste System in order to racially preserve themselves. Many young Whites on the Right side of the spectrum view Hinduism as both the daughter and legatee of their own heritage It does not matter whether this idea is true or not, it must simply be admitted that this is the philosophy which is driving the young White right to Tulsi who has shown to be and who has accused to be a strong ally of the Hindu right.
It does not matter if you like it, it is just fact, the paganized White right has all of a sudden refound their belief in Aryanism and its connection to Hinduism. Indeed Hinduism has become the new and most trusted informant to European pagans trying to reconstruct their ancient religions, and upon seeing the depth and breadth of Vedic Hinduism, more and more are being enticed to convert or at least ally themselves with the Hindus. It also helped that there was a large and very visible Hindu support for Trump in both the United States and India, for the first time Hindus were taken seriously in American politics and it was most apparent on the side of the Right. The White alt-Right, which had already been awakening to Hinduism, noticed this trend and quickly saw the Hindus as both political and spiritual allies. Tulsi’s spiritual cleanliness is assumed by her disconnection from wars of biblical prophecy, as a Hindu she is unclouded by Judeo-Christian agendas and philosophies and so she can see the obvious, the wars in Asia are absurd and destructive and only she has the spiritual fortitude to fight this disease.
It is obvious that Tulsi is set to take the old Bernie crowed, some of the politically moderate middle classes, some Muslims, and a growing number of the pagan alt-Right. While in 2016 it was Hindu engagement in the Republican Party which was most obvious and brought us the most attention and influence, it is possible this time around it will be through the Democratic Party by which the Hindus can influence world history. Now the question is how should Hindu collude to elect America's first Hindu president? Tulsi Gabbard's net presence recently skyrocketed when NBC accused her of being picked by Russia as their new target for support, however these accusations relied upon data provided by institutions which have already been exposed as not only directly connected to the Democratic Party but also manufacturing false Russian support fronts. Russia is the Democratic Party's new boogeyman, they use Russian “aggression” as an excuse to continue war in Iraq and Syria, if they don't want you, you're working for Russia.
This spurious campaign by the established Left has only increased support for Tulsi among the base as she is now seen as the greatest threat to the establishment. However it has also obviously been the policy of the Leftist media outfits in the West to demonize Hindutva in general and Modi and the BJP specifically. After Trump's election there were many articles produced which attempted to tie Hindutva into the Trump and the White nationalist movement, with Hindutva portrayed as being a form of racist fascism. This did nothing but attract the pagan alt-Right further toward their Hindu allies. It is this detail in the Left's narrative which must be exploited by Hindus, international Hindutva must become the established Left's new boogeyman, rather than spreading paranoia about Russia, we must direct the media’s attention toward "exposing" the so-called Hindutva conspiracy to elect Tulsi the first Hindu president of the United States.
The mainstream media in the West already has a bad taste for Hindutva and the BJP in their mouth, as soon as we see the more radical elements of Hindutva supporting Tulsi they will rush to report on this just as they did on the Hindu support for Trump, this in an attempt to smear Tulsi with the name of "Hindu Fascist". But once they take these steps, they will not only continue to build support for Tulsi who will be viewed as being attacked yet again by the establishment, but also the pagan alt-Right will be intrigued by not only these sinister accusations but also the idea of Hindus as pagan allies. Yes, India must become the new Russia, we must get the Democratic establishment to declare war on Hindutva, this to give it much needed attention, not to mention bringing friends of India from both Republicans and Democrats to India’s defense.
So how is such a program to be established? The only thing we need is public relations, that's it. The Hindus For Trump movement first started out online, but quickly found its way into real life as extreme Hindu groups such as the Hindu Sena began conducting Hindu pujas for Trump. The Hindutva conspiracy must begin with an avalanche of online support for Tulsi Gabbard in both Left wing Bernie and Right win Trump groups. Hinduism's pluralistic, accepting, diverse and peaceful nature must be advertised to the Left, while its more militant pagan nationalism must be advertised to the alt-Right who in their own minds will associate this with their own beliefs of themselves as the heirs to the "Aryan" legacy of the Vedas. Tulsi was one of the first people to announce herself as running for President,, and she already has a huge head start among the young Left and Right. It is time for Hindus to get our hands dirty, we must become the real Russia, yes we must give the media a real conspiracy to focus on, the conspiracy of Hindutva to induct and ally with all the youth of America, leading them to a complex union of opposites which will be overseen by America's first Hindu president.
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