Friday, February 8, 2019

What Hindus don't know about political Satanism

One of the most frustrating elements I have had to deal with when conspiring with Hindus politically is their absolute inability to interpret the West's actions esoterically.  Every time I sit to have a constructive conversation with Hindus about how to try to steer Western politics I am met with the same old rational and logical but absolutely false assumption that every move on the part of the West, most particularly America, is based on the presupposition of physical and material power, nothing more and nothing less.  Wars in the Middle East are for nothing but oil and perhaps eventual Christian conversion, support for Israel is nothing more than a strategic defense and an alliance for democracy, aid to Pakistan is for nothing more than access to the Indian ocean, grounds to lay pipelines, a manipulation to fight terrorism and the thwarting of Chinese power and influence in the region.  While these analyses of the earthly situation are valid, the Hindu does not understand the greater motivation, which is spiritual. 

Prior to the end of WWII, the United States was viewed as almost the only benevolent White Christian power in the world, they had gotten themselves barely entangled in schemes for international empire and seemed to shun interventionism, they did not interact with nations in a colonial way but were more or less seen as reliable trading partners who could be trusted.  All of this came to a screeching halt after the defeat of Adolf Hitler, but the seeds of this change had been sewn nearly 70 year prior. Until about the 1880s the mostly agricultural population of the United States took a simple interpretation of the Bible and their religion consisted of little more than do as Jesus did.  However, as literacy and access to information and new preachers came about, a new concept began to bloom in the people and that is dispensationalism.  Dispensationalism is the belief that god does indeed have a grand global political agenda which he dispenses in spurts or ages, it is not a gradual progression but is marked by periods of relative inactivity followed by periods of extreme acceleration.

At this time it became popular in both America and England to believe that god was ready to advance into the 2nd to last phase of his plan, the Christians were to facilitate the creation of the Jewish nation state.  This sudden desire to facilitate the actualization of the Zionist dream came from absolutely no love for the Jews as we can see how they were ostracized in both America and Europe.  Indeed, until very recently, and it is far from being wiped out among Christians, far from it, the Jew was viewed as Satan himself incarnate. The general Christian belief is that prior to the age of Christ, the Jews had bastardized their religion beyond recognition to the point that they lost god's status as the chosen people, and when Jesus arrived he came to not only correct the sins of the Jews but to disperse their favor from god to the rest of the world. The Jews are right when they say the New Testament is "anti-Semitic" as Jesus did indeed blast the mutated religion of the Jews which is nearly identical to the form of religion Judaism follows today. 

However, the earliest followers of Jesus were themselves former Jews and were well versed in Jewish political and spiritual aspirations for the eventual global rule of a dominant Zion, they were also fully aware of Judaism's new found hatred for Christianity which eventually became encoded in Jewish scriptures. Christians front the accuracy of their prophets to have predicted the modern day political turmoil caused by the rise of Israel, but this is only because their informants were former Jews themselves, and of course the Christians of today conspire, though with disdain, to help the Jews with their already known agenda, the Christians know the Jewish playbook. 

Christian eschatology is anything by triumphalist, at the Armageddon, which is the next phase of their god's plan, the Christians will not be winning in battle but will be under the yoke of evil leaders who will persecute and murder them, they will be unable to defend themselves and it will only be the return of Christ who save them.  However, who are these evil people who will be persecuting the Christians?  While there are many different versions of the story, the book of Revelations speaks of the "Synagogue of Satan" who will persecute the church, "those who say they are Jews but who are not Jews".  This is taken to mean that the false Jews, those chastised by Christ, which the Christians have ushered into Israel, will turn on the Christians along with their puppet leaders. It is believed that the Christian’s final revenge will come when Jesus descends to take his thrown in Israel where he will either convert all the Jews or destroy them. Christian Zionist are hastening this end with their hypocritical support of Israel. 

Now it is time to tie all of this with the topic of this post, revealing to Hindus the aspects of political "Satanism" which can also be called "Luciferianism".  Until a little less than 200 years ago it was only the aristocracies of Europe who had the time and education to read the Bible and attempt to decode its prophecies and ends, it was not until the late 19th century that American and England developed a robust commoner’s Biblical literati.  Now it may be hard for the Hindu to see this, as he has experienced the cruel lash of Christian colonialism, but Christianity in its more pure forms, especially in its Protestant versions, is very disempowering.  The growing movement of Christians in America who wish to avoid the Zionist entanglement all together are right, it is most correct that Christians are not supposed to make prophecy happen, they are supposed to sit and wait for it to unfold itself. Christianity walks a bi-polar line, it is supposed to be a more or less non-interventionist religion, yet it is tutored by the Old Testament to wage war on pagans.  When it comes to pagans Christians are confused on whether or not to be violent; but when it comes to Middle East politics and Israel they are not supposed to get involved.

The founders of the Catholic Church were very well aware that the Bible was not perfectly adapted for their fascistic style of rule and colonialism, and so they hid the Bible from the general population while they themselves held unto the old culture of Rome which was far more imperialistic.  However, as Protestantism rose in the north of Europe and with the conversion of the monarchies, the Bible’s apolitical overtones became ever more apparent to the rulers who found their new faith to be a dilemma. The ruling aristocracies want power, and power they will get, by whatever means.  The Bible in a way is a dangerous book for Christians because not only does it teach the ways of Christ, it also teaches the ways of Satan.  Satanism is well described and laid out in the Bible, indeed Christian political prophecy is to be pushed by the wheels of Satan himself.  Satan is said to be the ruler of this world until the reign of Christ and it is said that those who want power will worship him.  

Today it can be seen that many of the youth in the West, without any sort of stable paganism to return to, have simply reverse engineered the Bible and have become Satanist, though their version of Satanism is juvenile and inert; however they were not the first to come up with this idea, that was reserved for the old aristocracy of Europe. It is a documented fact that while the Kings and Queens of Europe were burning witches at the stake, many of them themselves kept their own court witches and wizards whom they would consult on occult matters; John Dee, Queen Elizabeth I's sorcerer adviser is only the most famous of these.  It is also stated that the Vatican, far from burning all the occult and pagan books of the old world, have pilfered these and have built one of the largest esoteric libraries on earth which they consult occluded from the general public. 

Those who seek power, the monarchs and high priests, these have realized long ago they cannot gain the true otherworldly strength they desire from the Bible alone, and so they secretly consulted what was left of paganism.  But what has been left behind from the burning times is nothing but scattered dust, and so none of the elites can be satisfied with pagan nourishment, and this is where Satanism steps in.  Disillusioned with Christ the aristocracy had no other enticement but Satan who himself is the embodiment of power on earth.  Satan is to build up the leaders and merchants of the earth, making them exceedingly powerful, and giving them gift of deception, the ability to mislead and control the masses of Christian sheep, and of course this plays into the desire of yesterday's and today's rulers. 

But there is a schizophrenic element to this inverted religion because prophecy states that eventually Satan and his servants will be destroyed and cast into the abyss. In steps the new occult of the late 1800's which coincided with the rise of mass Protestant predictions of the end times and the creation of Israel. Some Hindus are aware of Madam Blavatsky, perhaps the world's most famous occultist who traveled to India to steal Hindu and Buddhist secrets and then repackage them for European consumption. Blavatsky and her contemporaries burst upon Europe a new doctrine, that the Christians actually had it all wrong, that Satan was originally called "Lucifer" because he was lucent, the light bearer, the one who brought knowledge to humanity in the Garden of Eden and freed them from the god of ignorance.  Blavatsky manufactured a new messiah, an amalgamation of Lucifer and Jesus, a savior who would not usher in a Christian paradise but a different spiritual utopia which the elite admired. 

Blavatsky’s religions, which was called Theosophy, generally gave the white rulers ethnic supremacy as they were more or less considered to be what she described as Aryans.  Theosophy puts for a form of ethereal racial evolution where the darker races are the remnants of an older race, while the white Aryans are not only the newest race to have evolved but whom will also be the progenitors of a new and coming "6th race" who will have advanced psychic and metaphysical powers. Blavatsky helped trigger the myriad of Aryan supremacist cults which flourished in Europe prior the rise of Hitler, and it is known that Hitler himself was strongly influence and informed by these doctrines. Among the more inferior races Blavatsky hinted also contained the Jews whose god Yahweh was said to be the antithesis of Lucifer the god of the Aryans who again was the benevolent light bearer who would give humanity the knowledge to enter a new spiritual and racial age. 

Theosophy and the cults it sprung released the ruling elite from the terror that they had sided with the losing Satan but were actually the heirs to his new world which Blavatsky predicted would triumph. Still, the British royalty were paranoid enough to work both sides of the street, inventing "British Israelism" which posited their royal family as the true Israelites (who were incongruously believed to be of superior racial stock to the Jews) who had descended from the turned pagan magician King Solomon, and the Jews in their midst were the false Jews, the "Synagogue of Satan", racially and ideologically inferior Jews, who were to be used and then disposed of in fulfilling their more dubious political agendas.  You see while Blavatsky and the Aryan religions of the time gave the ruling elite a sense of comfort in their path to power, it did not give them a blueprint as how to move forward, and so while Theosophy served them theologically and racially, it did not serve them materially. But now that Blavatsky had transformed the Lucifer of the Bible into their benevolent savior, they had the key as to how to move forward, simply engineer and push Bible prophecy as it was Satan's role to play anyway, with not Satan but the Jews and the Christians who were to be destroyed. 

England had a long history of anti-Semitism, expulsion of Jews and their persecution. At the end of WWI the British government did not hand over Israel to the Jews with the Balfour Declaration with any love, they had simply divined that the time had come to fulfill prophecy, the common Christian had become eager to create Israel for his own ends, the Jews for theirs, and so the Satanists also saw it was their time to shine. By the end of WWI all the pieces had fallen in place for the Jews, the Christians and the Satanists; the Jews had Israel, the Christians were organized to push the Jews into Israel with their own moral duplicity, and the Satanists saw themselves as fulfilling Lucifer's Biblical role which they believed would end with their own ascension. The rise of Adolph Hitler further cemented the surety of each group as, like the Jews and Christians believed, he began the process of the mass exodus of the Jews back to Israel for the return of Christ, while the Satanists saw him as working under the direction of Lucifer the light bearer who was not only cleansing the land of the Aryan's enemy the Jews and dragging the Christians into Middle East wars but also tutoring the Aryan faithful whom would reign at the end of the false Armageddon where both the Jews and Christians would be destroyed leaving behind the earth to the Aryan Satanists. 

This takes us to today.  In the United States where we have no less than five factions which are driving the wars in the Middle East, first the Zionists who believe that at the end of these wars Israel will become the priest nation to the earth and will make the Jews of Zion the dominant power on earth, then there are the Christian Zionists who are cynically supporting the rise of Israel so has to fulfill their prophecy that the "Synagogue of Satan" will play its role in persecuting Christians and bringing about the return of the Christ, we have the apolitical Christians who have removed themselves from the process but which inform the populace of this grand cosmic play, there are the white Aryan supremacists who serve to push the Jews out of gentile nations, and there are the Satanists who facilitate this process behind the scenes as they view this as the final war which will destroy all of their enemies and give them rule of the earth. 

This may be a hard pill swallow for many Hindus but the scene I have just laid out not only explains what is happening today but has been the common yet quite knowledge of Christendom for decades. Why are the rulers of the West, who have nothing to gain from it, flooding their nations’ with Muslims?  The Hindu usually would only see a logical and rational explanation for this, that the White race either feels guilty, has been hypnotized by multi-cultural leftism, or that they simply want the cheap labor.  While on the surface these assumptions are true, there is, as there always is, a more arcane plan. I have spoken before of the Muslim's role to play in the apocalypse as both Christians and Jews believe that the time of the end will be marked by Israel being attacked from enemies on her borders. Bombings and wars upon the Muslim populace alone cannot invoke these to all-out war as the Muslim nations have proven that even when they work together, they cannot match the might of Israel. 

The Muslim world cannot become a true threat to Israel until they have gained access to the financial, social and military resources of the West.  The most flagrant players in this conspiracy is the Pope who despite the fact that Muslims are cleansing the Middle East of Christians and now barbarically killing and raping them in the West, he is doing all in his power to further flood the West with refugees that his ilk have manufactured.  It has not slipped the mind of any ex-Christians to assume that the Pope is not only pushing for Muslim immigration to cause the social chaos which is needed for the end times, but to also reinvigorate the ailing Christianity of the West by giving them a formidable enemy, they also want the Muslims to push the Jews out of the West to not only rid themselves of their competition but to concentration them all in Israel. Sickeningly many Jews also share this agenda as they want Israel to blossom with population so as to eventually expand her borders to what the Jews believe rightfully belongs to them (Greater Israel), a theocracy which will take up many times as much land as Israel does today and become a power strong enough to fulfill the divine plan of Jewish supremacism. Imploding the West with Islam just as the Jews gain full power in Israel falls in with their plan to eventually subdue these gentiles. 

The Satanists on the other hand, no longer only the royalty but also our politicians, they have a slightly more complicated agenda. Like the Christians they too want to wreak havoc in the West so as to accelerate the religious tensions needed for all-out war.  At the moment they are using the Left's toxin of multi-culturalism to have the socialists import Islam into the West, but their final goal differs from that of the Jews and the Christians in that their ultimate design is not to resurrect Christianity in the West or establish Zionism but to use the growing racial tensions to re-spark the white Aryan crusade for racial superiority.  Yes, seemingly Leftist political figures of today are importing not only Muslims but many other non-whites into the West so as to raise a new Hitler, a Lucifarian messiah, this to expedite their own version of Satanism, which is informed by Blavatsky's Theosophy, that the Jews and Christians and Muslims will destroy themselves in this war and the white Aryan Lucifarian elite will become gods under the tutelage of Lucifer the light barer.  This explains why the Left speaks out of both sides of their mouth, why they want to continue the wars in the Middle East but bring the refugees to the West, what seemed to make no sense before makes total sense when we understand these hidden ideology. 

Now what I have just delineated is no tinfoil hat wingnut conspiracy theory.  It is only those who were not raised in religious Christian household who think that the belief in the Satanic aspiration for a "New World Order" sprung from something akin to science fiction.  No, no, no, a hundred times no, any ex-Christian youth who was raised in the more serious strains evangelical Christianity knows that the "New World Order", the belief in the Satanic conspiracy to take over the world, this was bubbled in the cauldrons of respectable churches, stirred by trusted theologians since perhaps the early 1950s.  I myself was steeply indoctrinated in the belief that the Satanists would gain control of the world through deception, the political leaders and the financial system, and that with these powers they would, even beyond their will, hurdle the world toward the conditions needed for the end time, that god would put it into the hearts of the Satanists to bring forth these conditions. And as hard as it may be for the Hindu or those raised in secularism to believe, it is well known within church circles there are true Satanists who continuously and habitually infiltrate Church leadership to not only direct Christians toward making these prophecies happen but to also subtly induct the elect Aryans to their cryptic religion; this is not insanity but is informed by widely shared experience, myself included. Search the abyss of online Satanism and you will find those who have willingly given themselves to the “New World Order” and who believe they will be rewarded for their work. 

I am not sure whether or not this has been comprehensible to the common reader, but now let me describe the role Hinduism has to play.  The Hindu has noticed the obvious yet contradictory element in the Satanist manipulated Left (whom they would not otherwise tolerate) to be the champions of all minorities except Hinduism.  Hinduism remains the only religion which can be openly and harshly criticized without any sort of retribution, particularly in academia. More profound is the sense that these remain impervious to any sort of social shaming for their actions where they very quickly submit to the offenses of Muslims and other groups. More so than Christians, Jews or Muslims, it is the Lucifarians who hate Hinduism the most, and I can tell you why as it is the very reason why I came to Hinduism.  When I was younger, like many many other youth who left Christianity, I became paralyzed with fear.  The Christians were my enemy, but so were the Satanists, no matter who won the war the world would either be spiritually damned or forced to live under the suffocating restriction of a racially engineered ruling Lucifarian class.  I would sit and watch and understand the connection going on politically and was hopeless, the Christians were right, world events were flowing as the Bible said they would as many of the Christians were forcing this to happen, and then there were the Satanists who were also working for this end but under the assumption of a different outcome; there was no greater power to thwart them, no place to run and no place to hide. 

But then I found Hinduism, I cannot describe the feeling, it would have to happen to you to understand, but as soon as I saw Hinduism for what it was I knew I had found a greater spiritual power.  Hinduism is 100% disconnected from the machinations of the powerful West, they were untangled and nonaligned.  The Hindu and the Hindu alone is the only person I have ever met who is able to think himself outside of the New World Order's blueprint, he is not enslaved by prophecy or hypnotized by dark power, in fact he is repulsed by it. Instead he has his own prophecies which are much more benevolent and appealing to the trapped and hopeless West.  For the first time in my life I had a glimmer of hope, Hinduism made me feel safe, like it was a place I could escape to, and if I helped it grow, it could compete with the Christians, the Jews and the Satanists.  I am not the only one who has detected Hinduism's power to do this, so have the Lucifarians, and this is why they have made Hinduism the focus of their malice.  The Satanists plan to become the sole power once the Christians and Jews destroy themselves in war, and they don’t want competition. As Hinduism growns, this malice on the part of the Satanists will grow and it will become ever more obvious to the Western youth that Hinduism is the antidote to the New World Order, the key to open the prison in which we now sit.  

What Hindus don't know about political Satanism is that it is indeed one of their greatest allies in that its antagonism raises questions as to why.  The youth of the West who have escaped Christianity can see they have jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire, Christianity is not their own problem, once they are free of it they must then face controlled socialism and the cryptic moving of Satanism. The swill of the interaction of these psychotic ideologies makes up the Frankenstein monster of the New World Order, for the young West there is nothing but darkness.  However, it is in the darkness that it is most easy to detect the smallest of lights.  Hinduism does shine on its own, but until now it has not known how to shine all the brighter because it did not understand the darkness which it is fighting.  What I have conveyed here is not even 1% of what the Hindus must understand to negate their enemies and become the beacon to the world, yet the more souls Hinduism attracts, the more native informants they will have, and eventually Hinduism will have all the weapons it needs to defeat their enemies, both obvious and hidden. 

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