Monday, February 25, 2019

India needs to milk Trump on Pakistan before Tulsi

Is the world ready for a real Pakistan-India war?  On February 14th the Pakistani terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) killed forty or more Indian Central Reserve Police Office in a suicide bomb attack when they crashed into their envoy.  India and the United States have admitted for decades that the Pakistani government hides, funds and trains such terrorist groups. For the first time since anyone can remember, India under the direction of Modi seems to be taking hard words and hard positions on Pakistan, rather than the usual soft kiddie gloves approach which has frustrated so many Hindu Nationalists their entire lives.  Even when Pakistan launched a preemptive strike on Indian air bases in 1971 the Indian government under Indira Gandhi showed almost sickening restraint in their retaliation and even stupidly released more than 90,000 Pakistani soldiers it had captures as prisoners of war. India has still not learned how to treat her enemies. 

But the world is changing, both Modi and Trump could not have been elected if it were not for the new and young nationalist crowds who supported them, young men and women who are paying the price for the cowardice and inaction of their parents' generation, we want to live in peace and we know how to get it. But the under 30 crowd is still not in power and are held captive by the corrupted and confused older generation who still steer the reigns. However, was this terror attack the last straw?  Has India finally reached the point of doing what she knows she needs to do, meaning is she ready to totally destroy Pakistan's ability to reign terror on her again?  She certainly has the ability to do this, if India decided to it could have ended the regime of terror decades ago, the only thing which has given Pakistan the hubris to keep going has been India's predictable weakness. 

Now I hate the general culture of modern Hindus to blame absolutely every single social frailty they have on colonialism and the British, however in this case we must admit that the Western powers have indeed purposely gone out of their way to stack the deck against India.  It was the British who facilitated the two state theory as they prepared to give India over to sovereign rule, England nor anyone in the Western world wanted to see a strong and independent India, they wanted her to remain a battered and dependent slave, and so they helped create two Islamic states on her borders which would insure India remained in constant wealth and social draining conflict. Until Trump, the Western powers always spoke of the "India-Pakistan conflict", as if this was a disagreement between two equally moral partners based on nothing more than petty cultural differences and that the West was to sit back and try to diffuse this conflict between their little brothers and sisters with their air of self-patronizing maturity.  Never ever would it be stressed that this was a war between a secular democracy which had seen leaders of all faiths rule the nation (India), verse an Islamic theocracy where persecution of non-Muslims was state law and only a Muslim could rule the nation, not to mention being the admitted breeding ground for state sponsored terrorism. The West, including the USA, obviously did not want India to rise above the fray.

But something changed with the election of Donald Trump, some of Trump's first presidential Tweets were directed right at Pakistan and Trump's administration very quickly withheld millions of dollars in aid to Pakistan which until then had been taken for absolute granted no matter how many times Pakistan betrayed and endangered America.  But what happened, was it because Trump was actually a new kind of leader, someone who was not beholden to the establishment and would actually do the right thing not only by India but his own country and the world?  At first, yes, probably yes; Trump did seem to start out as his own man who wanted to snatch the world out of the clutches of the globalists and deliver it back into the hands of the people, and this was very likely why he took this righteous course of action against Pakistan early.  But there was another reason for his immediate voice against Pakistan and that is because he had already admitted that the Hindus of America and India had played an enormous role in his electoral success.  

"Hindus For Trump" took the American and Indian media by storm in 2016 as many found it hard to understand as to where this highly visible and effervescent campaign was coming from.  It did not take long for the world to understand that so many in the Hindu community around the world were supporting Trump because they were the until then invisible but also obvious allies of the secular West against Islamism.  Hindus were likely Trump's first and most pronounced non-White and non-Christian cheerleaders, thus confusing the Left's narrative of Trump being supported by nothing but redneck White racists. The Hindus also highlighted that there was a non-White secular power who had the same problems with Islam, and since they had the Islamic States of Pakistan and Bangladesh on their borders, they had stories to tell about the horrors and aggressions of these regimes which backed up what Trump and his supporters were asserting. 

The Hindus not only softened perceptions of Trump's as a man who wanted to return America back toward a megalithic White Christian majority but also highly financed and staffed his campaign. Not only this, Hindus were extensively courted by the Trump administration in Florida and Virginia which are swing states with sizable Hindu populations, it was in these states where Trump's son Eric and his wife visited Hindu temples in highly publicized spectacles. So important became the Hindu vote that on the eve of the election Trump himself attended an event billed specifically for Hindus in a state he could never win, New Jersey, the proceeds from the event went to support Hindu victims of Islamic terrorism in Bangladesh.  As election date approached, pro-Trump Hindu organization began running Trump approved ads which rose up emotions by replaying Pakistani terror attacks on Indian soil and highly suggesting that Trump himself was openly anti-Pakistan. Trump and his people know that without the Hindus, it is possible he would have never won the election.

But Trump's credibility as an independent man who has come to buck the establishment and the New World Order has all but come to an end in America.  Within a few month of his election almost all of his aids who had been so loyal to him throughout his campaign were dumped and replaced by their former enemy establishment hacks.  Trump had made the younger electorate believe he was over with regime change wars in the Middle East and he would not make Assad and Syria a target of the United States, but within only a few weeks he completely about-faced on this perception and bombed Assad's regime for supposed "chemical weapons attacks", and likely the only reason he did not finish the job was because it would have too soon provoked Russia. 

And that's another thing, Russia; on the campaign trail you would have though Trump was Putin's best friends, indeed it was more than plausibly stated by both the alt-Left and the alt-Right that the Russians were secretly rooting for Trump. We all believed Trump was going to end the new fake cold war being stoked by the neo-cons and the neo-libs, that he would bring a sane alliance between Russia the USA that would be anti-war.  But like he did with Syria, Trump has all of a sudden done a u-turn on Putin, stating this month that the USA would not be honoring the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty of 1987 which forbids either Russia or the USA from placing short-range missiles near one another's borders; Trump's reasons for doing this are because it is supposedly rumored that Russia has not been upholding the agreement the whole time, just like it was rumored there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  All of a sudden Trump is interested in the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela; notice the USA is always selective about which humanitarian crisis it gets involved in… Venezuela and Cuba are Russian’s colonies in the West, this is all a theater to advance war with Moscow. Trump's daily rhetoric and actions are calling for a new cold war between the USA, Russia, China and Iran, the warm mongers are back in control and Trump is their boy. 

But why is Trump not being directed to take the usual lead on Pakistan-India?  Why is Trump and the establishment being so buddy buddy with India?  Trump has shown his support for India and has given them the green light to take “strong action” against Pakistan on the Pulwama attacks. India and Pakistan have never been central focus to the West's agenda for global dominance, while they want India as a subservient slave state, India's part to play in global politics has always been viewed as insignificant.  The West's interest in the Middle East boils down to wars between the Abrahamic religions, Jews, Christians and Muslims posturing for ultimate power and direction of human destiny; India and the Hindus have never been seen as being related to this.  Trump and his new found establishment cheerleaders can more than afford to expose their hand to their own people, they have done it for decades and have gotten away with it. There are enough stupid Trump supporters who are satisfied with cheers of "Build the Wall", who can be bought with the temporary spurt in the economy Trump has brought, and who can gloat with the defeat of ISIS which only happened because ISIS is no longer useful. The youthful alt-Right which tipped the scales for Trump can be abandoned, they are young, powerless, and no one is betting on their futures, by the time Trump is done the USA will likely be a mixed corporate-communist state and the oligarchs will rule supreme, they just need a few more years of cover and Trump is giving it to them. 

But why has Trump kept good on his promise to the Hindus, and why is the establishment letting him do this?  If Trump did not cheerlead for India as much as they did for him this would over expose his and the establishment's true intentions and rob them of assets they know they still need in order to win in 2020.  The cat is out of the bag, everyone knows India is the good girl and Pakistan is the bad girl, the 2016 elections made the contrast so extreme that no politician can afford to be soft on Pakistan against India. But more important, they can't afford to tip off and anger the Hindu vote and Indian support.  The neo-con/neo-lib wars have exhausted the people financially and morally, they have milked their cows dry and must now turn to greener pastures. Hindus are now the most educated and wealthy religious group in America, and unlike White America they are not so jaded as to yet be resolved and apathetic about politics. Just as Hindus can be said to have made Trump in 2016, they can also become his downfall in 2020.

I have written on this blog before about why Hindutva must have a conspiracy to elect Tulsi Gabbard (here) and why the alt-Right former supporters of Trump are jumping ship for Gabbard in numbers (here).  Tulsi Gabbard is the obvious favorite among the young alt-Left who backed Bernie Sanders and a growing number of the alt-Right who used to support Trump because she is the most vehemently anti-war, anti-interventionist, anti-regime change, anti-cold war candidate on either side, and this is what the youth want. The traditional Left media and Trump fear Tulsi as they know she and only she has the ability to garner full spectrum support for her candidacy, sweeping up the non-establishment left and right along with anti-war Muslims.  However, she has always been favored by the Hindutva crowd, not because she is a Hindu but because she has always shown strong support for Modi and India, defending both of them from attacks by Christian groups seeking to malign India as an intolerant and dangerous state; Tulsi makes no maneuvers to hide her affection for the BJP.  And while Tulsi describes herself as a "dove on war" she says she is a "hawk on terror", she criticized Obama for not using the words "radical Islamic terrorism"; and so even before Trump Hindutva looked upon Tulsi with great interest. 

Trump and the establishment see that Hindus and India have become more than critical to Trump's re-election, and even the established left would rather see Trump than Gabbard at the helm.  While Trump can afford to dump the alt-Right and anyone else who helped him get in, he cannot afford to lose the Hindus and India, especially for their money and social support.  Many Hindus in the United States, especially the most politically astute ones, have made it their business to make it a Tulsi vs Trump 2020 election so that no matter who wins we have our person in the White House.  Trump is aware of this and now he and his administration will have to go out of their way to ingratiate India in order to keep this constituency loyal to him.  I pray that by the end of the election all Hindus will see that despite Trump's bending over backwards to please them that it is Tulsi who is in their best interests, it is no good for India to allow the West to hurl the entire world into a new cold war and once Trump and the establishment have what they will need they will dump and strangle India as they always have. I hope for the sake of us all the pro-Trump Hindu crowd votes Tulsi on November 8th, but not before they have milked Trump for all he has.  Right now India is invulnerable, Trump has shown his full support for India taking strong action, take this now and keep going while you still can, destroy Pakistan before the 2020 elections, we need to take care of this business while the opportunity is ripe. India must set herself up to rise free of Pakistan, because if he does win, Trump will eventually turn on India as he has all others and this opportunity will not happen again. 

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